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Auggie Night at the Races is August 12

Canterbury 2016 Web Banner

It’s time once again to register for the biggest alumni event of the summer … the 12th annual Auggie Night at the Races, happening August 12 at Canterbury Park. Last year, more than 1,000 Auggies attended this event and donated hundreds of pounds of supplies for Health Commons.

Register today for this FREE and fun family event that includes admission into the park and a complimentary picnic buffet. This event is open to all alumni and friends and is hosted by the Alumni Board and Young Alumni Council. We would love to see you there!

What: August 12, 2016
Where: Canterbury Park, Shakopee (map)
5-7 p.m, Auggie social hour and dinner buffet
Races start at 6:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE

When you come to Canterbury, please consider bringing a donation for the Augsburg Central Health Commons. The Health Commons is a nursing-led free drop-in center dedicated to serving those in need. Items in strong demand include socks, diapers, and hygiene supplies. For almost 25 years, the Augsburg College Department of Nursing has operated a free health center for homeless or marginally placed individuals at Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis. Basic supplies are needed to continue to serve the 1,500 people each year.

A full list of items includes: new white or black tube socks, diapers, diaper wipes, soaps, toothpastes, toothbrushes, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, razors, or other hygiene-related items. Your donation allows students to continue this important service-learning experience. Thank you for your strong support of this event each year!

Meet a Super Velkommen Jul Volunteer

Lee FurmanYou might know Lee (Dyrud) Furman ’61 from her time teaching in the social work department at Augsburg, or you might recognize her as one of the delightful Augsburg Associates dressed up in a bunad or traditional Norwegian costume at Velkommen Jul each year. She’s also the recipient of an Augsburg Distinguished Alumni Award in 1989. Furman is among the many fantastic Associates volunteers you will see if you stop by campus on Friday, Dec. 5. Velkommen Jul begins with chapel service at 10:40 a.m. and moves to the Christensen Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Furman fondly remembers the beautiful singing and enthusiasm of chapel, and the fellow alums she has known through the years. She has been a part of the Augsburg Associates for approximately 12 years, since she moved back to Minneapolis for the first time since college. She still remembers going to Velkommen Jul when she was a student. “It was quite splendid. I was very much in awe,” she says. Continue reading “Meet a Super Velkommen Jul Volunteer”

Calling All Norwegian Sweaters!!

Choir of SweatersWe like to think of Velkommen Jul at Augsburg College as the largest gathering of Norwegian sweaters in Minnesota. This traditional festival to usher in the Christmas season brings campus together around a lovely, historic tradition that features Scandinavian yuletide music, tasty treats including krumkake and lefse, Norwegian bunads, a bake sale of holiday goodies, and a visit from St. Nicholas during chapel. Donations are accepted and welcomed in support of student scholarships.

We love gathering together each year for this event that welcomes students from all backgrounds and faiths into long-cherished Augsburg traditions. But as we all know, these beautiful, long-wearing sweaters are not inexpensive.

Here is where you can help! Please consider donating any older or unworn Norwegian sweaters for our students to wear for this wonderful event and throughout the Christmas season. Sweaters must be clean and in reasonably good condition.  No matter who you are or your background, let’s share the wealth of Norwegian sweaters that is so proudly displayed here in Minnesota winters.

Please make your sweater donations by Wednesday, November 26 at noon. Please call 612-330-1085 with any questions. Sweater donations may be mailed or delivered to the Alumni and Advancement office at:

Oren Gateway Center
Suite 300
Augsburg College
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis MN 55454