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A Prayer for…Fine Arts Performers

Fine arts performers – visual artists, actors and actresses, spoken word artists, musicians, and dancers—are cultivators and curators of the myriad gifts of God! Through skill and dedication, these talented individuals offer their gifts to educate, to challenge, to inspire, and to entertain. And yet, theaters are empty, art galleries are closed, concert halls are silent, and stages are struck. Today we offer “A PRAYER FOR…FINE ARTS PERFORMERS” as they wait out the coronavirus with the world, their creative crafts bottled up and their livelihoods suspended.

1 Peter 4:10:

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift you each received.” 

Let us pray:

Creative One, God of manifold grace: we rejoice that we are made in your image and instilled with your creative energy and power. We thank you the artists among us who steward your gifts through visual and aural expression for the sake of human inquiry and the exploration of divine beauty. Uphold fine arts performers and all whose livelihoods are entwined with the call to create, to paint, to play, to move, to act. Give purpose and meaning to these wonder-workers in the days of cancelled rehearsals and classes, suspended performances, and closed venues. Bless these, your stewards, and keep them in your grace in these trying times. This we pray in gratitude for your gifts poured out among your people. Amen.       


Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres

April 7, 2020