We live in a culture full of music. Music is a wonderful gift God has given us. Music is universal. Whether Orchestra, Band, Choir or music therapy. It can be used to soothe the soul. It is amazing how sometimes when someone is feeling depressed or anxious, a song can lift them up. Whether music for congregational worship, resonating through the chapel, the classroom or recital, be it instrumental or vocal the study and practice of music holds a unique place in the history of Augsburg and the world. Music is capable of expressing a variety of moods and feelings, joy and sorrow, hope and fear, or faith and doubt. Making music, sharing music during these very challenging and isolating times of sheltering in place, creates community and connectivity. Today we offer a scripture and PRAYER FOR MUSICIANS…
1 Chronicles 15:16 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
David also commanded the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their kindred as the singers to play on musical instruments, on harps and lyres and cymbals, to raise loud sounds of joy.
Let us pray.
God of all creation, we thank you today for your gift of musicians. WE know that every good and perfect gift comes from you. We thank you for the custodians of the music of the divine service. We thank you string instruments, wind instruments, percussion and singers. This Holy week, Lord God we ask that you bless all who guide through the ministry of music worship. May musicians facilitate music that brings you glory. Music that transcends barriers that divide race, class, gender, denominationalism, ethnicity or geography. May their gifts create the atmosphere that lifts you up, for you said “If you be lifted up from the earth you will draw all people unto you” today we celebrate musicians for the healers that they are. Providing light and renewal to their soul.
Lord God, gracious and merciful, we pray for their strength, and the strength of their families and loved ones. We ask that you continue to cause them to create and share the gift of music through instrument and voice. May they find joy in their work and may it fill them with peace, comfort and purpose. Fill musicians with your light and love as they generously share with the world. Lord let all creation sing your praise and the host make music in your presence. Bless musicians as only you can. In your name we pray.
Rev. Babette Chatman