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Meet the 2021 Youth Theology Institute Mentors

Each year the Augsburg Youth Theology Institute (AYTI) hires a handful of college students to be leaders for the upcoming summer institute. With the goal of developing a campus wide student leadership culture, AYTI collaborated with other organizations on campus to develop an application, interview, and training process for students interested in working leadership positions on campus. This was such a powerful witness to the ways in which Augsburg’s mission is lived out in our community.

AYTI Mentors joined Orientation Leaders, Strommen Center Peer Advisors, AugSem Leaders, and more in a semester long class for credit that served as their leadership training for their job as AYTI Mentors. In this course all students worked to develop knowledge and skills utilizing the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. This model helps students understand their individual values (consciousness of self, congruence, and commitment), the values of the group (collaboration, common purpose, and controversy with civility), and societal and community values. The class training also focused on topics such as identity, intersectionality, anti-racism and dismantling white supremacy, brave space, disability as difference, and becoming interfaith allies. All students were able to complete the Intercultural Development Inventory and reflect on the ways in which they show up as leaders in all spaces and places.

AYTI Mentors will build on this leadership training to create and lead devotions, facilitate small groups, engage in learning sessions with participants, and help lead worship with high school students as they engage in theological exploration during the 2021 institute.

We are very much looking forward to this summer’s youth theology institute and the theme, “AND IT WAS VERY GOOD: Affirming and Advocating for Sexual and Gender Diversity in God’s Creation”. You can learn about the 2021 theme on our website here. In the meantime, join us in welcoming this year’s student leaders for the Augsburg Youth Theology Institute!


headshot of Carli Vincent
Mentor Carli

Name, Pronouns, Year at Augsburg, Major/Minor

Carli Vincent (they/them/theirs) 1st year, Biochemistry major

What do you love about Augsburg?

The thing that I love most about Augsburg is that it is a small close-knit community in a big city. As someone who grew up in a small town, I really appreciate the smaller campus and class sizes while getting to reside in the heart of Minneapolis. Even after one year of primarily online classes I have been able to make connections with teachers and classmates. I have also been able to find a solid community of friends despite the pandemic.

Why are you excited to be an AYTI Mentor?

I am super excited to be an AYTI mentor this summer because I am so jazzed about this year’s theme as it’s near and dear to my heart. I also attended AYTI as a participant when I was in high school, and it was super formative in my faith journey.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I spend a lot of my free time learning random skills, playing video games, camping, and spending time with my family and friends. I like to play music on the tuba, trumpet, guitar, or ukulele.

Favorite bible verse and why?

John 11:35 “Jesus wept.” This is my favorite bible verse because it’s the shortest verse in the bible and it’s one of the most powerful for me. Even though Jesus knew that Lazarus would live again he still felt the pain of losing a friend. This lets me know that even if I know something will work out, it’s okay to feel pain, anger, and or sadness in that moment.


headshot of Lorpu Sumo
Mentor Lorpu

Name, Pronouns, Year at Augsburg, Major/Minor

My name is Lorpu Nueka Sum (she/her/hers), I am a first year student, my major is Computer Science.

What do you love about Augsburg?

Something that I love about Augsburg is how supportive the community is. The staff and teachers are always there whenever you need them. Coming to Augsburg is one of the

few best decisions that I have ever made in my life so far.

Why are you excited to be an AYTI Mentor?

I am really excited about being an AYTI Mentor this summer. I am excited to meet new people and come together as a community to grow in our faith and build a positive bond.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Somethings that I like to do in my free time are: reading, long walks, biking, or listening to music. Sometimes I watch movies and sleep.

Favorite bible verse and why?

I honestly don’t have a favorite Bible verse, but growing up, I have always loved Psalm 23:1-6. I loved it because it is the longest bible verse that I can remember without opening the Bible, and it also gives me comfort when I am reading it.


headshot of Bre Roseman
Mentor Bre

Name, Pronouns, Year at Augsburg, Major/Minor

Bre Roseman (she/her/hers), 3rd year Junior, Management Information Systems doubled with Economics

What do you love about Augsburg?

I love that the Augsburg community is diverse in cultures. I also liked that the school is small, so it’s easier to get to classes and that there aren’t a ton of people here and that the class sizes are super small compared to other schools.

Why are you excited to be an AYTI Mentor?

I’m excited to be a mentor this year because I want to help other individuals find where they fit in the bible and even learn to trust the church again. I want others to know that just because they had a bad experience with church doesn’t mean all churches are that way.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I like painting, drawing, reading, and singing. I also enjoy doing more spiritual things like tarot readings for my friends too.

Favorite bible verse and why?

My favorite bible verse would be Psalm 31: 3-5 because it reminds that even in the dark times when it seems like everything is against you, you can run to the Lord, for they will protect you.


headshot of Aaron Puent
Mentor Aaron

Name, Pronouns, Year at Augsburg, Major/Minor

Aaron Puent (he/him/his), Sophomore, Religion major

What do you love about Augsburg?

The entire reason I came to Augsburg is because I wanted a small, close knit community.  Add the big city around us, and I feel like there are no limits as to what I can do.  The campus is easy to navigate, and it doesn’t take too long to get from place to place.

Why are you excited to be an AYTI Mentor?

I am excited to get to know how other people live their own faiths, especially in the different forms of worship.  I also think this is an important theme for people to discuss, and working through this with fellow students should prove to add to my own theological understanding.

What do you like to do in your free time?

If it is nice outside, you can be sure to find me out running or playing tennis (but I love all racquet sports and will never turn down a challenge at ping pong).  I enjoy hiking and biking as well.  On a rainy day, I like to do some creative writing or crossword puzzles.

Favorite bible verse and why?

One of the most important Bible verses to me is John 13:34, in which Jesus says, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.  As I have loved you, so that you also should love one another.”  This can be found in other places in the Bible, but I find it central to my personal theology.  Jesus showed love to people regardless of their actions and personalities because they were people created in God’s image.  Therefore, I should do the same.


headshot of Grace Porter
Mentor Grace

Name, Pronouns, Year at Augsburg, Major/Minor

Grace Porter (she/her/hers), 4th year, Theology and Public Leadership with a concentration in Youth Studies, Minor in Music

What do you love about Augsburg?

I love so many things about Augsburg, but the main thing is that it feels like home and that everyone feels like family. I was really able to find my place doing the things that I love, and it was so amazing to find people who also loved those things! I have also created personal relationships with faculty and staff, they are people who are welcoming and loving and are wanting to know you on a personal level.

Why are you excited to be an AYTI Mentor?

I am excited to be an AYTI Mentor for my third year because I love AYTI! I love learning and growing in relationship with the many amazing young people who attend, they are so passionate and have a need for this community, just like I did. I love being apart of a program that encourages young people to follow their passions, and teaches them that they are important right now, even though they may feel insignificant.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

In my free time I like to spend time outside and with the people that I love. That has been tough during COVID, so I also watched a lot of Netflix and did a lot of crafting and coloring during my time inside. I also love music, and spend a lot of time with my voice, and guitar, ukulele, or piano!

Favorite bible verse and why?

My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 46:5 “God is within her, she will not fall. God will help her at the break of day.” I even have it tattooed on my arm! This verse reminds me that no matter what I am going through in my life, God is always within me, giving me strength when I feel like I have nothing left to give.


headshot of Renee Christensen
Mentor Renee

Name, Pronouns, Year at Augsburg, Major/Minor

Hello! My name is Renee Christensen (she/her/hers). I am finishing up my 2nd year at Augsburg, double majoring in Clinical Psychology and Theology and Public Leadership, which is a really long way of saying I’m incredibly passionate about mental illness and religion!

What do you love about Augsburg?

There are SO many things that I love about Augsburg. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I really saw and experienced how the Augsburg community came together. We found ways to connect. The professors were so lenient as we all figured out this new world that was our college experience. I mentioned this earlier, but I also LOVE the community that has been built at Augsburg. The faculty, staff, professors, and students make this community feel like home.

Why are you excited to be an AYTI Mentor?

I was a 2018 participant at AYTI and it’s actually the reason I came to Augsburg! I am SO excited to be a mentor this year because I love seeing young people grow and develop into who they are. My experience at AYTI as a participant really shaped my life and my faith. I hope that I can be a part of someone’s journey as they discover who they are.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

In my free time, I love spending time outdoors, spending time with my family, reading, singing, and cuddling with my cats! When I’m not at Augsburg, you’ll most likely find me curled up with my cats and a good book!

Favorite bible verse and why?

My favorite bible verse changes day to day! However, my all time favorite would have to be Joshua 1:9 “ Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. The Lord, your God is with you”. I find strength in this verse because it’s a great reminder that even if you feel alone, God is walking beside you. It’s definitely not easy, at times it feels impossible, but this verse is a great reminder for me.

Join Us This Summer