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Native American Film Series

It’s been posted all over campus and online but here’s another reminder. The first screening of the Native American Film Series is tonight.  Yes, that’s right.  TONIGHT. The 2014-15 season will focus on environmental issues and climate change from the perspective of various indigenous groups.
Tonight’s event will feature Listening for the Rain: Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change.  A discussion will follow after the screening with the filmmakers, Jeff Palmer (Kiowa), Filoteo Gomez Martinez (Ayuuk) and sociologist, Sonia Davila-Poblete.  Wish you had a little more information?  Well, then read about the filmmakers and check out the trailer.

Sateren Auditorium- Music Hall
715 22nd Ave South
Reception 6:00-6:30
Screening begins at 6:45
Discussion to follow screening