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How to Transfer Credits

In order to be considered for transfer, a course must be completed with a final grade, from a regionally-accredited college or university, and graded B- or better. Courses must have been taken at the graduate level and course content must be comparable to program requirements at Augsburg. Although transfer credit is ultimately at the discretion of the program director(s), some additional conditions must generally be met for credits to be transferred to the PsyD program:

·       The course must have been taken no more than five years prior to enrollment unless the student can present evidence of ongoing work experience or continuing education in that area.

·       The course must have been a graduate-level course, taught by a doctoral-level instructor, and taken for graduate-level credit at a regionally accredited institution. In the case of an institution outside of the United States, the appropriate state or national accreditation is required.

·       The course(s) submitted for credit transfer of a 3-credit hour course must be at least 3 credit hours.

·       Practicum, practicum seminars and the first-year Professionalization Group are not eligible for transfer.

·       In special circumstances, a maximum of two courses can be submitted to transfer one 3 credit hour course. The total number of credit hours of the two courses must be equal to, or greater than 3 credit hours.

Students are strongly encouraged to submit transfer requests before or during the first semester of enrollment in the program. The transfer request must be accompanied by a transcript reflecting completion of the course and the grade received, along with other supporting documentation, such as course description, syllabus, and work samples. No transfer credit will be given for courses taken elsewhere after matriculation into PsyD degree program at Augsburg University.


The maximum number of semester credits that can be transferred for the Clinical Psychology program is 30.

To gain further information about the transferability of credits, please refer to the Graduate Catalog.