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Training Practicum Sites


Our Clinical Training Department has built relationships with practicum training sites throughout Minnesota–roughly 40-50 sites are within the Twin Cities metro area.  Each student works with the training department in applying to the various sites.  Possible practicum sites could include:

  • Adult and juvenile forensic settings
  • Inpatient and outpatient hospital settings
  • Residential treatment centers
  • Private practices
  • University counseling centers
  • Substance abuse facilities
  • Behavioral medicine clinics
  • Pediatric units
  • Neuro-psychological assessment sites
  • Community mental health centers
  • School systems
  • University hospitals

In 2024, Dr. Hughes-Scalise and the PsyD Department were the recipients of a $200,000 Rural and Underserved Clinical Rotations Grant from the Minnesota Department of Health!  This Grant will provide funds to the department to expand clinical practicum opportunities in rural and underserved communities across the state. The majority of the fund from this grant will go directly to students who choose to pursue clinical training in these communities, in the form of training stipends.