Bing tracking

Sample Course Plans for six-year completion

Student progress through the Clinical Psychology program at Augsburg University is intended to be sequential.  Certain courses offered to first-year students are designed to provide a theoretical and practical foundation for courses that follow in subsequent years. In addition, certain advanced courses require the student to have the background of more basic courses in order to benefit fully from the course experience.

The following are TWO sample schedules with 6 years to completion.  Courses and sequence may vary by individual student experience.  ALWAYS consult with your advisor for questions!


Example 1 – six years to completion

98 Credit Hours

  • Year One – 23 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 7 credit hours
      • PRP702 – Introduction to Diverse Populations (3)
      • PRP730 — Psychopathology I (3)
      • PRP711 — Professionalization Group I (1)
    • Spring Semester 10 Credit Hours
      • PRP703 – Professional Issues: Ethics, Conduct and Law (3)
      • PRP705 – Physiological Psychology (3)
      • PRP731 – Psychopathology II (3)
      • PRP712 — Professionalization Group II (1)
    • Summer Semester — 6 credit hours
      • PRP706 – History and Systems (3)
      • PRP800 – Basic Intervention Skills (3)
  • Year Two –24 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 9 Credit Hours
      • PRP701 – Lifespan Development (3)
      • PRP741 — Cognitive Assessment (3)
      • PRP720 — Statistics and Research I (3)
    • Spring Semester – 9 Credit hours
      • PRP721 — Statistics and Research II (3)
      • PRP742 — Objective Personality Assessment (3)
      • PRP803 – Psychodynamic Theory and Therapy (3)
    • Summer Semester – 6 Credit Hours
      • PRP801 – Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy (3)
      • PRP743 — Projective Personality Assessment (3)
  • Year Three – 26 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 10 Credit Hours
      • PRP821 — Practicum I – Assessment (3)
      • PRP802 – Person-Centered and Experiential Theory and Therapy (3)
      • PRP810 – Assessment and Treatment of Children and Families (3)
      • PRP850 — Clinical Research Project Seminar (1)
    • Spring Semester – 9 Credit hours
      • PRP822 — Practicum II – Assessment (3)
      • PRP804 – Systems Theory and Therapy (3)
      • PRP812 – Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations (3)
    • Summer Semester – 7 Credit Hours
      • Elective (3)
      • PRP704 – Cognition and Affective Processes (3)
      • PRP851 — Clinical Research Project I (1)
  • Year Four – 16 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester –7 Credit Hours
      • PRP823 — Practicum III – Therapy (3)
      • PRP811 — Social Psychology (3)
      • PRP852 — Clinical Research Project II (1)
    • Spring Semester – 6 Credit Hours
      • PRP824 — Practicum IV – Therapy (3)
      • Elective (3)
    • Summer Semester – 3 Credit Hours
      • PRP813 – Consultation and Supervision (3)
  • Year Five – 9 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 2.5 Credit Hours
      • PRP853 — Clinical Research Project III (1)
      • PRP831 – Advanced Practicum (1.5)
    • Spring Semester – 5.5 Credit Hours
      • PRP814 – Capstone Integrative Seminar (3)
      • PRP854 — Clinical Research Project IV (1)
      • PRP832 – Advanced Practicum (1.5)
    • Summer Semester – 1 Credit Hours
      • PRP855 — Clinical Research Project V (1)
      • PRP890 – Internship (fee= ½ credit) (0)
  • Year Six
    • Fall, Spring, Summer
      • PRP890 Internship (0)


Example 2 – six years to completion

98 Credit Hours

  • Year One – 26 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 10 credit hours
      • PRP702 – Introduction to Diverse Populations (3)
      • PRP730 — Psychopathology I (3)
      • PRP711 — Professionalization Group I (1)
      • PRP701 – Lifespan Development (3)
    • Spring Semester 10 Credit Hours
      • PRP703 – Professional Issues: Ethics, Conduct and Law (3)
      • PRP705 – Physiological Psychology (3)
      • PRP731 – Psychopathology II (3)
      • PRP712 — Professionalization Group II (1)
    • Summer Semester — 6 credit hours
      • PRP706 – History and Systems (3)
      • PRP800 – Basic Intervention Skills (3)
  • Year Two –24 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 9 Credit Hours
      • PRP741 — Cognitive Assessment (3)
      • PRP720 — Statistics and Research I (3)
      • PRP802 – Person-Centered and Experiential Theory and Therapy (3)
    • Spring Semester – 9 Credit hours
      • PRP721 — Statistics and Research II (3)
      • PRP742 — Objective Personality Assessment (3)
      • PRP803 — Psychodynamic Theory and Therapy (3)
    • Summer Semester – 6 Credit Hours
      • PRP801 – Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy (3)
      • PRP743 — Projective Personality Assessment (3)
  • Year Three – 20 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 7 Credit Hours
      • PRP821 — Practicum I – Assessment (3)
      • PRP810 – Assessment and Treatment of Children and Families (3)
      • PRP850 — Clinical Research Project Seminar (1)
    • Spring Semester – 9 Credit hours
      • PRP822 — Practicum II – Assessment (3)
      • PRP804 – Systems Theory and Therapy (3)
      • PRP812 – Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations (3)
    • Summer Semester – 4 Credit Hours
      • Elective (3)
      • PRP851 — Clinical Research Project I (1)
  • Year Four – 17 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester –7 Credit Hours
      • PRP823 — Practicum III – Therapy (3)
      • PRP852 — Clinical Research Project II (1)
      • PRP704 – Cognition and Affective Processes (3)
    • Spring Semester – 6 Credit Hours
      • PRP824 — Practicum IV – Therapy (3)
      • Elective (3)
    • Summer Semester – 4 Credit Hours
      • PRP813 – Consultation and Supervision (3)
      • PRP853 — Clinical Research Project III (1)
  • Year Five – 11 Credit Hours
    • Fall Semester – 4.5 Credit Hours
      • PRP831 – Advanced Practicum (1.5)
      • PRP811 — Social Psychology (3)
    • Spring Semester – 5.5 Credit Hours
      • PRP814 – Capstone Integrative Seminar (3)
      • PRP854 — Clinical Research Project IV (1)
      • PRP832 – Advanced Practicum (1.5)
    • Summer Semester – 1 Credit Hours
      • PRP855 — Clinical Research Project V (1)
      • PRP890 – Internship (fee= ½ credit) (0)
  • Year Six
    • Fall, Spring, Summer
      • PRP890 Internship (0)