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More Graduate Resources

(Compiled Spring 2019)


Exploring Industries

Occupations in Demand by MN DEED: View regional data about in-demand occupations, industries, including median wage information.

Explore the MN Job Market: research employers, occupations in demand, industry sites, and salaries

Career Change Tips: The Dos and Don’ts of Navigating Your Next Step

My Next Move: Explore career options through this free resource from the US Department of Labor.

O*NET: The O*NET program is the nation’s primary source of occupational information. They collect occupation data and provide free applications for career exploration.

Beyond Academe: Beyond Academe was created in 2003 to educate historians about their options outside of academe.

16 Personalities: Get a concrete, accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do, for free.

The Seven Stories Exercise: Deciding what you want starts with understanding your accomplishments and the skills you enjoy using. Understanding those enjoyable skills and accomplishments will help you focus on them. Then, you can develop a career direction and find the job where you can use the skills you enjoy.

Psychology Jobs

What is the differences between psychology and social work



CV or Résumé?

How to Write a CV– 5 Outstanding Tips for 2021

How to write CVs

Creating and Maintaining Your CV

Rutgers Masters & PhD – Preparing Resumes

Resume length

Creating a Summary Statement:,

Resume Tips for Career Changers



MN DEED Job Search Guide

How to Start a Quiet Job Search

How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job

What To Do When You Can’t Find a Job In Your Field – 11 Smart Ideas

College Student’s Guide To Freelancing



Generalist/Multiple Disciplines


LinkedIn Job Directory




MN Council of Nonprofits


State of MN

Springboard for the Arts

Minnesota Citizens for the Arts

Creative Mornings MPLS


Academic Jobs (faculty, postdoc)

Adjunct Nation

Chronicle of Higher Ed Vitae Job Board

Higher Ed Jobs

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC)

HNet: Humanities and Social Sciences


Data Science & Technology

Analytic Talent Job Database



TeraData Careers









CDC (Centers for Disease Control)


NIH (National Institutes of Health)


Independent Work/Freelancing

Freelancers Union

SoloGig (part of




Carney, Sandoe & Associates

National Association of Independent Schools


Museums & Cultural/Historic Organizations

American Association of Museums

American Cultural Resources Association

Association of Midwestern Museums

Association of Science-Technology Centers

Global Museum 2000

Smithsonian Institution


Nonprofits & NGOs

Association Career HQ

Association of Fundraising Professionals

Chronicle of Philanthropy


National Council of Nonprofits



Relief Web

United Nations Careers

Work for Good


Writing, Editing, Publishing

Association of American Publishers

Association of American University Presses

Council of Science Editors

National Association of Science Writers

Publishers Marketplace

Society for Technical Communication



National Association for Music Education

Music Therapy



50 Common Interview Questions

Glassdoor interview questions: search common questions by industry or company

How to Ace a Job Interview: What to Wear, What to Bring and Other Tips

Top 5 Interview Questions & Answers for Career Changers:,

Creative Writing, Career resources and Industry Tips – Top Interview Questions

MBA Careers: Tough interview questions



Evaluating a Job Offer, GradSense

Negotiating a Job Offer, GradSense

Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate Salary and Succeed

Understanding Value in Negotiating, Inside Higher Ed

Salary Research Resources:

CAREERwise Education: Search for salary data by location and occupation

Talk to professionals in your field. They tend to have the best information about salary ranges in your specific location.

Professional associations often conduct salary surveys. Check their websites for more information.

Cost of Living Calculator, Bankrate

AAUW Smart Start: national workshop specifically designed to teach you how to negotiate salaries for a new job



National Association of Graduate-Professional Students: Resources: The NAGPS provides a link to a variety of resources that may be of interest as you progress through various stages of your graduate education: Financial Information, Graduate School Life, Job Seeking, Legislative, Resume’/Curriculum Vitae, Stress Relief, Thesis/Dissertation Assistance

National Postdoctoral Association: (NPA) is a member-driven, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars including enhancing the quality of the postdoctoral experience in the United States. Online toolkit includes career planning, webinars, PostDoc policies and practices, core competencies, survival guides, etc.

Career One Stop Professional Association Finder



135 Racial Equity Resources For Education, Professional & Community Development, Health, And Civil Rights

Burnout & Career Health Solutions

The Gottman Institute

Advice from Publishers:


University of Texas Press

Aptitude Test: Free Practice Aptitude Test Questions

Practice Reasoning Tests

Determine the Cost of Your Graduate Degree: The American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) has developed the Financial Expenditure Evaluation for Students (FEES) tool to help current and prospective psychology graduate students calculate and evaluate the cost of attending any psychology graduate program so that they can make informed decisions about the cost of their education. FEES helps students score graduate psychology programs on their transparency about a variety of factors, including the amount of financial support available, career placement prospects, average salary of graduates, the availability of health insurance, including mental health benefits, and average time to degree completion. APAGS also encourages training programs to use the tool to assess the costs their students take on and how easy it is for students to find financial details and other important information about the program. Find it at

LinkedIn for Students: How to Use It Right [Tips & Examples]

Loan Forgiveness FAQs

myIDP at ScienceCareers: Exercises to help you examine your skills, interests, and values, A list of 20 scientific career paths with a prediction of which ones best fit your skills and interests, A tool for setting strategic goals for the coming year, with optional reminders to keep you on track, Articles and resources to guide you through the process.

NIH IDP policy

Personality Tests

Social Responsiveness in Health Service Psychology Education and Training: The toolkit is divided into modules (see below), so you can utilize one or all.  The toolkit also includes fillable worksheets to encourage self-reflection assessments as well as implementation.