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A Prayer for…Healthcare Workers

Across the country amid orders to “shelter in place” and directives to avoid social gatherings (or people altogether!), healthcare workers wake up and ready themselves for the day. They leave the security of their homes and the sanctuary of loved ones to go out into the world as the shadow of COVID-19 looms. Their vocation to serve the wellbeing of the neighbor means putting themselves in danger. Today we offer “A PRAYER FOR…HEALTHCARE WORKERS.”

Revelation 22:2: “On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”

Let us pray:

God of healing touch, your revelatory vision for the world teems with life, renewal, and wholeness. By way of this vision, you gift humanity with medical knowledge and the healing arts thus equipping healers among us. In these hours, O God, give courage and resolve to doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, lab technicians, medical researchers, office support staff, and all healthcare workers laboring in harm’s way these trying times of coronavirus. Keep them safe as they bear your fruits of healing for the sake of our nation and all the nations of your world. This we pray offering our thanksgiving for all who are called to heal. Amen.  


Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres

Prayer for March 26, 2020


“A Prayer For… First Responders”

For all first responders: police officers, fire fighters, EMTs and paramedics who we lean on in times of crisis and when we need help and protection. For all those who run toward danger for the sake of others and for those who strengthen them, their families and loved ones during this stressful time in our nation and the world. We offer this scripture and prayer for all first responders who have been working tirelessly and selflessly and who meet each day with courage and heart. 

Isaiah 41:13

“For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

Let us pray: 

Almighty God, you lend your strength  to all those who are there for us in times of crisis, fear, and hurt. You give courage to the first responders who continue to do this important work they are called to do, looking beyond the risk for the sake of those who need your help and protection. We give you thanks for the many ways they give of themselves, their skills, knowledge and help in troubling times. Protect them, o Lord. Extend your shielding hand over them and comfort their hearts when they are tired and heartbroken. 

God, we also lift up prayers of thanksgiving and comfort for the families of first responders and all who support them. Give them hope and courage. Surround them with your loving presence and give them peace when their loved ones run toward uncertainty. All this we pray in your name. Amen. 


Pastoral Intern Sarah Swindall

Wednesday, March 25


Augsburg University Faculty and teaching staff, at our sibling Evangelical Lutheran Church in American colleges and universities, and at all other institutions of higher learning in the Unites States and partners abroad are bearing the stressors of COVID-19 while also striving to meet the challenges of shifting to alternative methods of instructing due to these unprecedented circumstances.  We offer this scripture and prayer to all FACULTY AND TEACHERS as they prepare and present alternative forms of instructions in new and innovative ways.

Deuteronomy 32:2 (NRSV)

May my teaching drop like the rain,  my speech condense like the dew;
like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new growth.

Let us pray:

All wise God, you who gives seeds to the sower, you who gives gifts of teaching/instruction without repentance we offer this prayer of thanksgiving and encouragement to Augsburg University’s faculty and teachers who are self-less and giving beyond expectations. We offer a prayer of gratitude rain down on their accepting this new challenge of educating our leaders in new ways.  We ask that the fruit of their labor produce students who succeed and flourish like new grass under these unforeseen circumstances.

We also prayer for the well-being of all faculty and teachers that they do not feel stressed, discouraged or defeated during this time. Oh God, be mindful of your gifted “tender plants” as they face these challenges and meet the task at hand. Giving the confidence in their vocational call this season.  Bless them now we pray with the presence of your promised Holy Comforter and Guide. Amen

Rev. Babette Chatman

March 24, 2020



Prayers for the World: Kindling Hope

Recorded Service: 3.17.20

A Message from Campus Ministry Office


As for this moment, together we offer our prayers for you and for the world, to share in community in this season of social distancing, and find time to be united in the love of God for us and for the world.

Scripture Reading

From Romans 8:

It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn?

It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised,

Who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us.

Who will separate us from the love of Christ?

Will hardship, or distress, or persecution,

Or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?


Will shame or guilt, doubt or despair?

Will humiliating failure or staggering success?

What about memories from the past or anxieties about our future?

What about financial hardship or tanking stock markets,

the ever-changing news about the coronavirus and the pandemic upon us,

the social distancing and feeling of isolation?

What about the fear the seizes our hearts and the worry that follows us?


No, in all these things we are more than conquerors

through Christ who loved us.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,

Nor thing present, nor things to come,

Nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,

Will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.


Time for Prayer


Let us pray for the nations of the world,

pleading for mercy and healing,

For the places and peoples

living in fear and isolation.

We pray for the all the nations of the world where COVID-19 has disrupted lives, changed lives, and ended lives.

May our prayers rise for all in need, the interconnected circle of God’s beloved across the globe.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying


Listen, O God, to the prayers of your people.

We pray for the community of Wuhan, China,

for first to bear the brunt of this COVID-19.

Continue to strengthen the resolve of the Chinese people

As they work to restore the Wuhan region and the whole nation.

We pray also for South Korea mobilizing to contain the virus

And offering wisdom to other nations how

Send these nations your love, send them power, send them grace.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying


Listen, O God, to the prayers of your children.

We pray for the nations of Europe scrambling as medical facilities are overwhelmed

and panic is real. For Italy, Spain, Germany, and the other countries of working

around the clock for the healing and restoration of people.

For the Middle East, including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Israel.

May ancient animosities be overcome

and may a spirit of resolve bring people together

as one human family in the struggle for the wellness of all.

Send these nations your love, send them power, send them grace.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying


Listen, O God, to the prayers of your children.

We pray for other continents and peoples in this pandemic

mobilizing against the coronavirus even as cases continue to rise:

For Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Namibia, and the whole African people.

For Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and the whole of Central and South America.

Guide leaders to act swiftly with concern and compassion for all.

Send these nations your love, send them power, send them grace.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying


Amid all the peoples and nations in need of our prayers, we also lift up the United States.

As the virus spreads in our country, strengthen local leaders: mayors, business owners, city councils, governors, legislatures, our country’s Administration, CDC personnel, and all federal workers. May decisions be made for the wellbeing of all, especially the more vulnerable in our midst.

For doctors and the nurses, for pharmacists and lab technicians, and for all healthcare workers at the frontlines of flattening the curve of this disease. Empower them and their families who watch them leave each morning to do this critical work.

Send these leaders your love, send them your power, send them your grace.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying


Bless and keep colleges and universities around the country shifting

into new ways of  being to assure ongoing learning for students.

We pray for Augsburg University in these hours:

For the administration working around the clock to provide guidance and safety;

For faculty members sharing their wisdom and gifts, adapting teaching methods, and working with compassionate hearts for the sake of every student’s education;

For staff members supporting the ongoing work of this institution amid the stresses of social distancing and school closures.

And for all wonderful, talented students of Augsburg,

near and far in these days of Spring Break.

Uphold and keep them in these anxious days of unknowns

even as they lead us and support us in being community together

committed to serving as neighbor to each other.

Send us all, O God, your power, send us love, send us grace.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying


Amid these challenges for us, our communities, for our University, our nation, the world, O God, help us be calm and centered;
when information comes
from all sides, help us to discern;
when fear makes it hard to breathe,
and anxiety seems to be the order of the day,
grant us courage and hope.
Inspire us and empower us to reach out with our hearts,
when we can’t touch with our hands;
help us to be socially connected,
when we have to be physically distant;
Where sickness and grief are real, grant healing and comfort.

Where distrust twists our thinking, grant and illumination.

Where spirits are daunted and weakened, grant soaring wings and strengthened dreams.

All these things we ask trusting that nothing can separate us

From God in Christ Jesus – our power, our love, our grace.


Lord, Listen to your Children Praying




And now, Auggies, receive this blessing for the journey ahead:

May the God of love, power, grace fill you with all joy and peace in believing

that we all may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We dwell in hope. Amen. Let it be so.



Blessings for the Journey

We offer you these words from our Friday, March 13, chapel service as we begin the spring break week. Blessings to you during spring break whether you are traveling or will be staying here in the Twin Cities.


Grace and peace to you, pilgrims on the journey following in the way of Christ.

Today, our liturgy was going to be focused on prayers of blessing for travelers heading out on Spring Break journeys. We were going to offer special prayers for travel groups, sports teams, and classes all striking out on various adventure. Then, Covid-19. And plans changed. Travel cancelled. Hopes delayed.

Yet, here we are gathering around a word of promise that no matter our journeys ahead – changed or unchanged, near or far – It is God who goes with us, it is God who leads us in right paths for God’s name sake…it is God who is our rod, our staff, our comfort. It is God walks alongside us as we disperse from Augsburg amid uncertainty in the world; yet, we are certain that the goodness and mercy of God will follow us each and every day of the journey.

So we gather now to sing, to hear the promise of God’s presence, to pray for those who are traveling as some trips headed out, and bless us all as we prepare to leave, that we may go out with good courage knowing that God in Christ Jesus goes with us.


Let us pray.

God of the journey, you kept Abraham and Sarah in safety throughout the days of their pilgrimage; you led the children of Israel through the midst of the sea; and by a star you led the Magi to the infant Jesus. Protect and guide those who set out to travel; make their ways safe and their homecomings joyful.

We pray in this time of uncertainty and health crisis around the world for hospitals, nursing homes, and other health facilities seeking to provide care;

for the leaders responding and making difficult decisions, especially at the World Health Organization, the CDC, and the Minnesota Health Department;

calm fears among us and others on college campuses and in elementary, middle and high schools give patience to us all, grant guidance for administrators making decisions;

strengthen local governments, officials, and politicians – that their decisions for public safety also recognize the humanity and beloved-ness of us all.

Tend, O God, to those who are ill, who are quarantined,

whose lives are upended by the corona virus.

Bring healing, bring restoration, bring wholeness to communities.

Help us to realize that you are with us at all times and in all things;

that your loving grace in Christ Jesus enfolds us today, tomorrow, and always.



Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Proverb 3:5-6,
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Jeremiah 29:11
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.



As many prepare for their Spring Break Journey:
we pray for safe travel in cars, buses, plane or boat. We pray for caution and no one driving distracted

The only work you are required now to do is to give your most intense attention to God’s still, small voice within.

May god bless us with strength for the journey.

Protection and guidance from all hurt, harm or danger.

May we experience renewal, rest, peace, joy, and self-care in God’s love.

May God bless the earth beneath our feet,
Bless the path whereon we may go;
Bless the space we rest our head.

We pray that everyone will be able to make it where they need to go safely. In your name, we pray. Amen.


May Christ be the power and wisdom of God to you.
And may the Holy Spirit keep your, thoughts and words,

in God’s good grace.

We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

In the name of Christ. Amen.


Seminary and Divinity School Day

NOVEMBER 7, 2019



A day to connect, reflect, and explore theological graduate study options. This year’s theme is “Vocation at the Thresholds”.


Students of all denominations welcome! We hope to have 12-15 divinity schools and seminaries represented.

Sign up for Seminary/Divinity School Day by October 30

Schedule for Thursday, November 7th is:


9:30 am         Check-in/ Registration

10:00 am        Welcome, Introductions & Opening Devotion

10:45 am        Table Time for Seminary Representatives & Students

11:30 am        Chapel Worship

12:00 pm        Lunch with Keynote Speaker Melissa Pohlman ’00,

Pastor for Community Ministry, Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis

1:15 pm          More Table Time

2:15 pm          Departure


Seminary and Divinity Day is a collaboration between Campus Ministry at Augsburg University and Gustavus Adolphus College.

If you have questions, contact Janice Dames at or 612-330-1732.

Students who would like to attend the day should register by October 31.


We hope you will join us.

Chapel Series: Wild and Precious Hope

Join us in chapel for our series on Wild and Precious Hope.

Monday, January 8 at 10:40 am: Mindful Monday with Jermaine Nelson

Image of poster for Chapel SeriesTuesday, January 9 at 11:30: Rev. David Wrightsman, Interim Associate University Pastor, preaching.

Wednesday, January 10 at 10:40am: President Paul Pribbenow preaching.

Thursday, January 11 at 11:30 am: One Voice Choir: Out in Our Schools. Minnesota’s only (and one of the nation’s largest) LGBTA chorus. Before chapel at 9:45am, 60 middle school students will join with the chorus in an “Out in Our Schools Concert.”

Friday, January 12 at 10:40am:  Pastor Babette Chatman, Community Collaborative Partner, Redeemer Center for Life and Redeemer Lutheran Church, preaching.

Tuesday, January 16 at 11:30 am: Mathew Berger, Pastoral Intern

Wednesday, January 17 at 10:40 am: Rev. Sonja Hagander, University Pastor and Director of Campus Ministries


New Life Band Welcomed to Chapel

New_Life_BandWe welcomed the New Life Band to daily chapel today, all the way from Tanzania!  Eight musicians shared their vocal and drumming gifts along with a narrative of their mission. For their last selection, they invited students up to join them in dancing to their lively drumming and vocals.

The New Life Band is an “inter-denominational ministry that serves as an instrument to transform the lives of youth and students within Tanzania through the Gospel of Jesus Christ by giving them hope and opportunity by knowing that they are loved.” They are currently working to raise funds for a women’s dormitory building at a Tanzanian school.

Urban Plunge Program Kick-Off a Success!

Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 5.06.59 PMThis last weekend the Urban Plunge program officially began again for the year! Urban Plunge is where middle school and high school youth groups from churches in the area come for an overnight retreat from Friday through Saturday. During this time they go out onto Light Rail and visit different parts of Minneapolis while engaging issues such as racism, homelessness and class issues. They talk about how we can work to break the cycles that contribute to these things and see how faith can speak to these issues. Last weekend a group from Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church in Plymouth came. 13 youth and adults came and had a great weekend learning and exploring.

Are you interested in getting involved with Urban Plunge? Would you like to schedule your own for your church youth group? Contact Jacie Richmond, Pastoral Intern, or Greg Lewis, Bonner Leader, at and