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Free Tutoring

Augsburg University has proudly partnered with Knack - a platform enabling Augsburg students to book course-specific peer tutoring and mentoring services. Knack Tutors are Augsburg students who have previously aced the courses they offer assistance in; tutoring is completely free and sessions can take place in-person or online.


Smartphone login screen with a hand pointing towards the login button.

Colorful hands raised against a white background, overlapping in various bright colors.

Visit Knack and login with your Augsburg account. Set your notifications

Request a tutor!
Indicate the course and topics you need assistance with, and a tutor that has aced your class will contact you to schedule a session.

If you need immediate help, you can get support by clicking on "Request An On-Demand Session".


Illustrated wall calendar with a green checkmark on the 29th.

 Illustration of four yellow, overlapping coins with a dollar sign on the top coin.

Set your own schedule

Earn $16 per hour


Illustration of a laptop on a desk with a lamp, coffee mug, and potted cactus.

Two hands holding blue puzzle pieces in front of a background with the word "training" repeated multiple times.

Green circular rubber stamp with serrated edge and the word "PAID" in white, surrounded by the words "THANK YOU."

Visit Knack, click "Become a Tutor" and login with your Augsburg account.

Complete the online tutor training module

Get Paid!

Tip: You will need to submit an unofficial transcript - get this on Records & Registration by clicking on "Unofficial Transcript" → "All Semesters" → "Printable Version"

Questions? Click on the help button while in Knack.