Welcome to Augsburg
Academic Advising is excited to welcome you to Augsburg, and we look forward to supporting you in the transition to college and beyond! Make sure you stay connected to your Admissions Counselor and have all items completed in the checklist through your admissions portal.
Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS)
If you have ADHD, a mental health disability, a learning disability, a physical/sensory impairment, a chronic health condition, are on the autism spectrum, or have another permanent or temporary disability, contact our CLASS office (Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services) to begin the process of setting up accommodations and support. Please call 612-330-1053 or email class@augsburg.edu.
Athletics Participation
If you are on the roster for a varsity sport, be sure to keep practice times and game schedules in mind. Read more about practice schedules and head coach contact information.
Music Participation
All students are eligible for participation in lessons and ensembles, regardless of major. Music majors and minors are required to register for ensembles according to their placements determined by music faculty. Read more about music lessons and ensemble options.
Pre-healthcare requirements
Do you want to be a medical doctor, physician assistant, physical therapist, athletic trainer, occupational therapist, pharmacist, dentist or veterinarian? Work with your academic advisor, faculty mentor, and the health professions specialist in Augsburg’s Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) department to begin planning early. Read more about pre-healthcare requirements.
Academic Resources
- Academic Advising Drop-in Hours (Note: this resource is for students who have already registered for classes with an advisor or through orientation)
- Your Auggie Degree
- Registration
Other Campus Resources
- A-Z Directory
- Athletics
- Bookstore (apparel, gifts, & textbooks)
- Campus Life (includes student organizations, campus programming, etc)
- Center for Global Education and Experience (study abroad/away)
- Center for Wellness and Counseling
- CLASS (Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services)
- Dean of Students Office (student support, Auggie Basics, etc)
- Department of Public Safety (parking, emergency preparedness, reporting, etc)
- Military and Veteran Support
- Multicultural Life
- Navigate Resource Directory
- Residence Life
- Registrar (important dates, deadlines, policies, etc)
- StepUp (recovery program)
- Student Financial Services
- Student Services Index
- Strommen Center
- TechDesk