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Program Outcomes & Statistics


Program Goals

The Augsburg PA Program aims to accomplish the following goals:

GOAL #1: To increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in medicine (URiM)* into the PA profession.

STATUS (9/2023): Augsburg PA is exceeding this goal! Over the past 3 years, 29.3of Augsburg PA matriculants self-identify as URiM and 44.4% self-identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

Benchmarks: ≥25% of matriculated PA students are from URiM groups.
            *The AAMC definition of underrepresented in medicine means those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.

Metric: Admissions data, PAEA Data


GOAL #2: Augsburg PA graduates will have a PANCE pass rate above national average. Subgoals: The cohort mean scores in all organ systems and task areas will be above the national average.

STATUS (10/2023)Augsburg PA is not meeting this goal.  For the most recently published data from 2023, Augsburg PA’s annual first-time PANCE pass rate is less than the 92% National Average.
We have recognized a downward trend across the country and within our graduates in PANCE performance and are proactively addressing this concern in our didactic, clinical, and PANCE preparation curriculum. We are also actively working with those 2023 graduates who were unsuccessful on their first attempt to pass on their second attempt, as we wholeheartedly believe in their preparation and ability to be highly competent PAs.

Check out this video from our Program Director addressing our approach to the current PANCE results.

Benchmark: Augsburg Cohort PANCE scores above the national mean, organ system mean, and task area mean.

Metric: NCCPA Program and National Data


GOAL #3: To model PA professional responsibility through civic, leadership, and/or community engagement*.

STATUS (9/2023): Augsburg PA is meeting this goal! 100% of our students in the 2023, 2024, and 2025 graduating cohorts and 100% of our faculty have participated in at least one civic, leadership, or community engagement activity sponsored by the program.

Benchmarks: 100% of matriculated PA students and PA faculty participate in at least one civic, leadership, or community engagement activity while enrolled in the program.
*Examples include Augsburg Health Commons, MN Academy of PAs, Special Olympics Health Screening, Face-2-Face, Feed My Starving Children, Project Access, Anishinabe Wakaigun, and Women of Nations Shelter.

Metric: Participation documentation submitted to program director



Learning Outcomes and Competencies

Competence of the Augsburg PA Learning Outcomes for each student is assessed across program curriculum and confirmed through summative evaluation (End of Curriculum Exam and OSCE) prior to graduation. These are the program required competencies for entry level practice, as defined by the PA profession:




Augsburg PA has a proven track record of success, and graduates of our PA program consistently pass the PA National Certifying Exam (PANCE) at a rate that is at or higher than the national average. Our current 5 year average for first-time takers is 91.4% and 98.8% overall 5 Year Pass Average.

Final PANCE outcomes for the cohort of 2024 are pending and updated regularly.


See Augsburg’s Full PANCE Results (PDF)


ARC-PA Student Attrition and Graduation Rates

Graduated Classes
Class of 2022
Class of 2023
Class of 2024
Maximum entering class size
(as approved by ARC-PA)
Entering class size
*Attrition rate
1/33 = 0.03 (3%)
1/33 = 0.03 (3%)
0/33 = 0.00  (0%)
**Graduation Rate
32/33 = 0.97 (97%)
33/33 = 1.0 (100%)
33/33 = 1.0 (100%)


*Attrition rate calculation: Number of students who attritted from cohort divided by the entering class size.
**Graduation rate: Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

(One student decelerated from Class of 2021, graduated with Class of 2023)