Augsburg understands that college can be a transition not only for the student but also for your family. Our hope is to provide parents with a resource page to make it easier to navigate paying for college.
Discussing Your Student’s Account With Our Customer Service Staff
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s educational records, which include billing and financial aid. Students who wish to authorize Augsburg University to talk with any other individual on their behalf must first complete the online Information Release in AugNet/Records and Registration. (An additional link Information Release form.)
Viewing Your Student’s Statements and Online Transaction History
Parents/Third Parties can view their student’s statement and recent transaction history, make payments or enroll in a payment plan, and access their student’s 1098-T if the student provides access. This can be done by clicking the “CashNet” link on the “Information Release” page (see the previous paragraph) or by completing the steps below:
- Have your student log into Augnet. Click on “Records and Registration” and go to the site’s “Account Activity” page.
- Under the Guest Username heading, click on “Add New”. Students will be prompted to create a login name for you as well as provide your preferred contact email address.
- Once submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your student’s account to view statements and to make a payment.
Once you have your username and password you can access your student’s account using the link below.
Review your Student's Account
Applying for a Parent PLUS Loan
Parents of dependent students may borrow a Parent PLUS Loan to help reduce out-of-pocket expenses or limit a student’s loan debt. More information on the Parent PLUS Loan (and other undergraduate loan options) If you have already applied for a PLUS Loan and need to decrease the amount, e-mail our office at with the amount you would like to borrow.
Making a Payment Without Augnet Access
You can make a payment on your student’s account without logging in by using our “Quick Payment” option below. All that is required is the student’s Augsburg ID number and last name.
Augsburg’s Payment Policy
Augsburg has recently implemented a new credit card policy. Please review the entire Payment Policy prior to making a payment.