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Summer 2024 Tuition and Costs

Undergraduate Day students and Adult Undergrad (AU) students need to be enrolled in 6 credits to be considered half time and 12-18 credits to be considered full time.  Graduate students will need to be enrolled in 3 credits to be considered half time.  This is an important distinction for accessing financial aid.  Please review Summer Financial Aid to make sure you understand what types of financial aid you have available during the summer.

Undergraduate Day  $460 per 1.0 credit
Adult Undergrad (AU)  $460 per 1.0 credit
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)  $1015 per 1.0 credit
Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)  $813 per 1.0 credit
Master of Arts in Education (MAE)  $562 per 1.0 credit
Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)  $814 per 1.0 credit
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)  $755 per 1.0 credit
Master of Social Work (MSW)  $758 per 1.0 credit
Master of Business Administration (MBA)  $642 per 1.0 credit
Master of Music Therapy (MMT)  $934 per 1.0 credit
Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MPA)  $922 per 1.0 credit (Summer 2023, Fall 2023 and Spring 2024)
Doctor of Clinical Psychology  $1220 per 1.0 credit
Audit Fee $1,000 per course


Full Cost of Attendance information can be found here.