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Health Insurance

Students must be enrolled in a health insurance plan for their entire stay in the U.S., including school break periods.

All international students (both F-1 and J-1 visa holders) are required to have ADEQUATE health insurance for the duration of their academic program at Augsburg University and every day they are in the United States as an international student.

We encourage all students to carry their health insurance card and be aware of your options if you BEFORE you get sick or in case of an emergency.

The following minimum level of health insurance during the visa period is required:

    • Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness
    • Repatriation of remains in the amount of $25,000
    • Expenses associated with the medical evacuation of the exchange visitor to his or her home country in the amount of $50,000
    • A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness

Preview this presentation about Accessing your Health Insurance in the United States.


EXCITING NEWS: We are switching our health insurance provider to LewerMark to support our international students better.

LewerMark offers cheaper monthly premiums and have a large and strong network in Minnesota (with the Aetna Network).

Please view this Welcome Note from our LewerMark Partner. 


Important to NOTICE: LewerMark is our Insurance PROVIDER, and AETNA is our HEALTHCARE NETWORK.

You will see the “aetna” logo on your insurance card.

Health Insurance Starts September 1, 2023

The monthly cost for the 2023/2024 Academic School year is as follows:

For F-1 and J-1 Participants (single):           $155.68

For students with dependents:                     contact LewerMark to create an individual plan:

We advise you to take time to read what is included in your health plan coverage. What does the plan cover? 

See Short Plan Summery 2023-2024

See Plan Brochure 2023-2024 

Health Insurance Enrollment Form


You HAVE to fill out this form:

  • If you are enrolling with LewerMark health insurance (OPT students too).
  • If you are asking for a waiver (opt-out).
  • If you have insurance from your home country.
  • If you have dependents (spouse, child/children).
  • If you are an athlete and need a different policy.
  • If you are on OPT and your employment covers health insurance.

Video Tutorial with LewerMark Representative

Please view this video tutorial. It will give you great tips on how to navigate your account, find providers “in-network,” see the free options, received knowledge about TelaDoc, and more.

Login to Your Account

Visit the LewerMark Website created for Augsburg students. The signing-in steps, including creating your own password, is an easy process. NOTE: LewerMark will add a “0” to your student ID because they operate with more digits. So if your student ID is 40012345 (8 digits), it will automatically populate and add the number “0” before your number and show up as follows: 040012345.

Make sure you download your insurance card and save it in an easy accessible place. It is important that you have it with you at all times!

TelaDoc – Healthcare at Your Fingertips  

Speak to a licensed doctor by web, phone or mobile app in minutes.

Teladoc does not replace your primary care physician. It is a convenient and affordable option that allows you to talk to a doctor who can diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication, when appropriate, for many of your medical issues. See more information here.

Contact a Mental Health Counselor

Call. Chat. Anytime. Anywhere. Student Support connects students with free, confidential emotional health and wellbeing support conveniently available 24/7 via the app, telephone and web. This gives instant access at no additional charge for students enrolled in schools that have signed up for Student Support. See more information here

Scholastic Emergency Services

Students, staff or parents should contact Scholastic Emergency Services if there is a life-threatening emergency or illness. Scholastic Emergency Services is a service-arranger, not insurance, so please contact them first as they can not reimburse for any services you pay for or use.  Scholastic Emergency Services will not pay for services on a reimbursement basis, so you must contact them immediately. See more information here. 

Contact LewerMark

Phone: Customer Service:      1-800-821-7710

Chat Function:                          On the LewerMark Website

Email: Customer Service:

If you have additional questions in regards health insurance, please contact ISSS office at

Options for our Exchange Students:

Norwegian Exchange PartnersMap of Sandavian with Norway highlighted


Norwegian exchange students who are studying in the U.S., and receive student loan funds through Lånekassen, are automatically covered by the Norwegian national health care. The coverage from HELFO meets the level of health insurance requirements listed above. Each Norwegian student is responsible for understanding this healthcare coverage while studying at Augsburg University.

Please review the information from HELSE NORGE (HELFO) regarding Norwegian National Healthcare for Norwegian students studying outside of Norway. It is your responsibility to confirm your enrollment in, and that you have an understanding of this insurance before coming to study at Augsburg University.

A message in Norwegian below: 

Dersom du er norsk statsborger og får støtte fra Lånekassen for å studere i utlandet, vil du automatisk få et dokument/brev fra HELFO som bekrefter dine helserettigheter utenfor Norge. Dokumentet vil bli sendt til din folkeregistrerte adresse. Studenter uten støtte fra Lånekassen kan søke om frivillig medlemskap og få de samme rettighetene. Husk å ta med deg dokumentasjonen du får i posten til USA!