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October 8th, 2024

Hi everyone,

Make sure to read this email carefully as there’s a lot of events coming up:

✅ Vote for Chiara for Homecoming Royalty

✅ Homecoming celebration
Join us October 10-12, 2024, for Homecoming, a vibrant celebration bringing together students, alumni, and friends. Enjoy exciting events, reconnect with friends, and make new memories. Don’t miss this special opportunity to be a part of our community’s tradition and spirit!

ISO for Taste of Augsburg
ISO will be participating with their own stand at Taste of Augsburg this Saturday at 10.30am in the Quad. Come by and get a delicious meal!

✅ Silent Dance 

October 11 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm CDT

Come have a fun time dancing and getting to know people at our silent dance! Dance around grab a drink and have fun!
Additional Information can be found at:

Have a good week!

September 26th, 2024

Good afternoon Auggies,

Here are some upcoming events:
Vote international seniors for Homecoming royalties
As you may already be aware, Homecoming Week is coming up on October 6-12!
With Homecoming comes the opportunity to run for Homecoming Royalty!!
You may nominate up to 8 seniors (by credit*) to run using THIS FORM. The top 8 candidates will be move to final voting during homecoming week. Finalists are required to attend all of the homecoming events (as much as possible), including the Homecoming Football Game.
Royalty will be decided based on the 2 highest votes received during final voting and will be announced at the coronation ceremony during Taste of Augsburg. Finalists must attend Taste of Augsburg to be eligible to win.

Nominations are open until September 30th at 5 p.m.

Senior International student list:

Juan Rengifo
Chiara Jirillo Mellace
Adora Yen Yong Xin
Faiaz Ahmed
Betelehem (Betti) Zerihun Belayneh
Brandon Gohole
Jamila Pashayev
Khandakar Saad
Yuki Teshima
Caroline (Johanna) Schon
Bat-Erdene (Gaana) Gan-Erdene
Christian Hanssen

September 17th, 2024

Good afternoon Auggies,

Here are some upcoming events and information;


This Thursday at 6pm in Hagfors 150A, food will be served!
How to schedule appointments with the team
Scholarship opportunities
OAS Financial Aid Opportunities for Latin American and Caribbean students
Have a good week!

September 10th, 2024

Good afternoon Auggies!
Here are this week’s announcements;
How to schedule appointments with the team

Upcoming events
Check out the university’s calendar here:

Food spot hours
-ISSS Team

September 3rd, 2024

Good afternoon Auggies!

We hope that your first week of class has been amazing so far.
Here are some upcoming events and info:
Tues, Sept 3
  • Film Club General Meeting – 3:30pm, Riverside Room, Christensen Center
  • Augsburg Asian Student Association First General Meeting – 4pm, Hagfors Center 150B
  • LGBQTIA+ Student Services Welcome Bonfire – 5pm, Murphy Square
  • 4th Floor Urness Pizza Social – 6:30pm, Urness Hall 4th Floor
Wed, Sept 4
  • Chapel: Ellie Olson – 10:40am, Hoversten Chapel
  • Anderson Hall’s Paint a Tapestry – 6pm, Anderson Hall 400 Floorhouse
Thurs, Sept 5
  • Echo General Meeting – 11:30am, Echo Office, Auggie’s Nest, Christensen Center
  • Chapel: Student Deacons – 11:30am, Hoversten Chapel
  • Mortensen Floors 1, 10 & 11 Meeting – 12pm, Urness-Mortensen Computer Lab
  • Multicultural Life Welcome Social – 4:30pm, Hagfors Center
  • Urness 1st Floor “Just in Slime School” – 6pm, Urness Hall 1st Floor Lobby
  • Mortensen Hall’s Cookie Couture – 7pm, Urness-Mortensen Lobby
  • Urness Hall’s Training Together – 8pm, Fitness Center, Kennedy Center
Fri, Sept 6
  • Chapel: Pastor Babette Chatman – 10:40am, Hoversten Chapel
  • Music Department Convocation – 12:30pm, Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall
  • Volleyball vs. George Fox University – 2pm, Si Melby Gym
  • Men’s Soccer vs. Luther College – 5pm, Edor Nelson Field
  • Volleyball vs. Wartburg College – 6pm, Si Melby Gym
  • Football vs. Valley City State University – 8pm, Edor Nelson Field
  • Anderson Hall’s Cookies and Chats – 6pm, Anderson Hall
Sat, Sept 7
  • Volleyball vs. Nebraska Wesleyan – 2pm, Si Melby Gym

✅ Food spot hours
Have a good week!

August 23rd, 2024

Welcome back Auggies!
Here are some info about this upcoming week:
✅ Classes
Classes start on Wednesday August 28th, check your schedules on Inside Augsburg and “Records, Registration, and Finances”.

✅ Food spot hours

✅ MLife event
MLife is hosting our Welcome Back Social on Sept. 5th from 4:30pm-6:00pm in Hagfors 150 and we hope you can drop by and meet our students, student leaders, and the MLife team. We’ll have food and games available and would love to have you with us as we kick off the start of the new academic year!
Have a good week!

May 20th, 2024

Good afternoon Auggies,
✅ Today is the last day to drop and add courses 

✅ Summer fest on May 23rd
Pizza, popsicles, and ping pong as well as a volleyball tournament in the Anderson/Luther lawn 5 to 7PM. 

✅ Summer employment
Summer hours will begin on June 3rd.

✅ Bettine out of the country
From June 3rd to July 8th, Bettine will be out of the country. Make sure to come to the office before then if you need any travel signature or documents.
Have a good week!

May 13th, 2024

Good morning Auggies,

Hope you’re enjoying the beautiful weather!
A few reminders:

✅ Grading option change ENDS TOMORROW
If you need to change your grading option from Traditional (A-F) to Pass/No Pass/Low Pass to help your GPA, tomorrow is the last day.
You can do it from “Records, Registration, and Finances” and then “My Classes”. Connect with your Academic Advisor if you need help.

Summer employment
Summer hours will begin on June 3rd.
Have a good week!

May 8th, 2024

Good morning Auggies,

and congrats on being done with the Spring semester!
✅ Final grades
Final grades are available on your Inside Augsburg, found in the “Records, Registration, and Finances” in either “My Classes” or “Final Grades”.

The Commencement Ceremony will be held today at the Target Center at 6pm, graduating students need to give you a ticket in order for you to come.

Luther move out
Luther residents will need to move out this Friday, the new room assignment has been sent via email.

Summer employment
Summer hours will begin on June 3rd.
Have a good week!