All Augsburg TRIO/SSS participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents or refugees pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. Participants must be incoming or currently enrolled Augsburg students. All program participants must demonstrate academic need for program services and meet one or more of the following criteria:
• Low-income student: a student whose family meets federal income eligibility guidelines, as verified by Augsburg.
• First-generation college student: a student where neither custodial parent/guardian has graduated from a four-year institution at the time of the student’s enrollment in the TRIO/SSS program.
• College student with documented disability, as verified by Augsburg’s Franklin Groves Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS) office.
Students must also have a commitment to their college success.
Program Objectives (for grant award year 2023-24)
- Number of Participants Funded to Serve and Served: 160 funded to serve; 169 current participants served (105%)
- 2/3 Eligibility Requirement (First-generation and low-income, and/or students with disabilities including students with disabilities who are also low-income): 136 or 80% of program participants
- 1/3 Eligibility Requirement (Students with disabilities who are low-income): 18 or 72%
- Persistence Rate: 82% all participants served by the project will persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year or graduate with a bachelor’s degree during the academic year. Objective met: 99%
- Good Academic Standing: 89% of all enrolled participants served by the project will meet the performance level required to stay in good academic standing at the institution (cumulative 2.0 GPA). Objective met: 97%
- Graduation Rate (4-Year institution): 61% of 2018-19 cohort will graduate with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent within six years. Objective met: 73%