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Spotlight: August 2015

Picture of Kitana Holland '19Kitana Holland ’19, Sociology (major), Religion and Leadership (minors)

Describe your time being in the TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge program

I thought that Summer Bridge was the most beneficial thing I have done in my life! I feel that high school does not prepare students well at getting ready for the transition into college. Summer Bridge helped me a lot with that and even though I’d taken college classes before, this was truly different. Summer Bridge was more intense than I could ever imagine. Even though being in the program took a big part of my summer away, I met so many great people that I can now call my close friends here at Augsburg. Plus, I have met amazing faculty and staff.

What were three things you learned from being in Summer Bridge?

Time management, which on-campus resources are available to me, and what I can challenge myself to do or accomplish in so little time.

What advice would you give to future Summer Bridge students?

Take Summer Bridge seriously because obviously these are real college credits. And just because you’re taking classes in a shorter amount of time (five weeks) it’s not watered down! Also, during your free time or “open time” hang out with your peers and build strong relationships with them.

How has Summer Bridge prepared you for Augsburg?

I have learned how to balance my academic and social lives. I have broadened my networking skills; in some departments people already know who I am. It’s good to be known on campus and known for everything you do!