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Steps to Complete Your Summer Bridge File (for Summer Bridge admitted students)

Congratulations! Now that you’ve been confirmed your spot in the Augsburg first year student class and been admitted to TRIO/SSS and Summer Bridge, we want to make sure you know what to do next.

Just follow these steps to complete your TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge file so that you are ready for move-in day.

Step 1:

If you have not already, submit the TRIO Taxable Income Form to support your Summer Bridge application. To fill out this form you will need 2023 federal taxable income information and a signature from your parent/guardian. If you are considered an Independent Student (for example, you are/were a ward of the court/ foster, over age 24, married, or a veteran) then only you/ the student must provide income information and sign the form. Please complete this form and send it to no later than April 15, if possible.

Step 2:

if you have not already done so, complete both a 2025-26 FAFSA and a 2024-25 FAFSA. You may have already completed the 2025-26 FAFSA for admissions purposes, but Summer Bridge applicants also need to file the previous year’s FAFSA in order to receive financial aid in the summer of 2025. The good news is this is easy to add to the already completed FAFSA! Just login to FAFSA and click on the 2024-25 FAFSA. Most of your information will roll over from the FAFSA you already completed, so there will only be a few places to update. Please note, if you are accepted to Summer Bridge 2025 and do not complete and submit a 2024-25 FAFSA by the start of the program, you may be charged up to $5000 for the program costs that could have been paid for by federal financial aid.

Step 3:

Return the following documents that were mailed home (or emailed to you) in your TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge Admission Letter:

  • Confirmation of 2025 Summer Bridge Program Participation

In addition, complete the Summer Bridge Details Survey (T-shirt size, Activity Rankings, and Special Diet Statement) via the link in your Summer Bridge admission letter.

Students must return their Summer Bridge confirmation, housing contract, and complete the details survey by May 1, 2025.

Step 4:

Register for SOARAll Summer Bridge students must register for the same to-be determined SOAR session.

Step 5:

Keep an eye out for your “Welcome to Summer Bridge” information packet. This will have detailed information about move-in day and Summer Bridge orientation, descriptions of campus life and descriptions of your summer courses, attendance and dress polices, and most importantly, what you should (and should not) bring to Summer Bridge.

The “Welcome Packet” is usually sent (via the email address we have on file for you) about a week or two before move-in day.