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Want counseling support?

Call 612-330-1707 or email to request an appointment at CWC. Register at BetterMynd to request a virtual appointment with a BetterMynd Counselor.


Trying to decide whether you want to receive counseling from Augsburg CWC Counselors, or from a BetterMynd online counselor?  Check out the table below.

Comparison table of services offered by CWC and BetterMynd with check and cross marks indicating available and unavailable services.


In person appointments: ✓ | ✕
Virtual appointments: ✓ | ✓
Daytime appointments: ✓ | ✓
Evening, weekend appointments: ✕ | ✓
Available over school breaks (e.g. winter break, summer): ✕ | ✓
Ability to select counselor based on demographics, identities, lived experiences, and specialties: ✕ | ✓
Depth of knowledge about Augsburg: ✓ | ✕

As an Augsburg University student, you begin with 5 individual session credits upon registration. If you need additional individual credits to continue counseling on BetterMynd, you can typically be granted additional session credits by contacting the Center for Wellness and Counseling at or by calling 612-330-1707.


Learn more about counseling at CWC

Learn more about counseling at BetterMynd

Urgent Phone Counseling

Off Campus Counseling

Referral Database