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College Mental Health

This page includes resources for:  alcohol and other drugs, attention/ADHD, eating concerns, gambling, gaming, grief and loss, helping a friend, mindfulness, procrastination, quit smoking, relationships, self-care for activists, self-injury, sexual addiction, sleep, stress management, study abroad, trauma, and wellness.


Online screening for mental health

Mental health apps & podcasts

College Health TV

JED Foundation Mental Health Resource Center

Active Minds   National student organization working to de-stigmatize mental health issues on campus.

Go Ask Alice    Q&A on college health, sexual health, and mental health.

Life on Campus    Mental Health America

Mental Health is Health 

The Mighty   Videos and articles by people dealing with mental illness (depression, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, etc.)

Taking a Leave of Absence:  What You Need to Know    Mental Health America

The Happiness Trap   Brief videos from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy:  The 3 Happiness Myths, The Choice Point, The Values-Focused vs the Goals-Focused Life, The Struggle Switch, The Evolution of the Mind, 5 Mindfulness Myths



Go Ask Alice    Q&A on college health, alcohol and other drugs, sexual health, and mental health

Facts About Alcohol Overdose/Poisoning

collegedrinking Changing the Culture

Fentanyl Harm Reduction

Alcohol & Other Drug Addiction & Dependency

Minnesota Recovery Connection

Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup – Can give you the time and location of a group that will fit your schedule

Al-Anon – Support groups for those affected by someone else’s alcoholism

Adult Children of Alcoholics

Narcotics Anonymous

Hazelden Information Center

Women for Sobriety  “…the psychological (emotional) needs of women in recovery are very different from those of men. The New Life Program is directed to these specific needs of women in recovery.”

SMART Recovery  “SMART Recovery is the leading self-empowering addiction recovery support group. Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups.”

SMART Recovery  Marijuana addiction — what does it look like?  online support

NAMI MN Dual Diagnosis Support Group  For adults living with both a mental illness and chemical dependency; online and in-person groups.

Assessment & Referral for Treatment

Fairview Recovery Services (across the street from Augsburg) provides confidential “assessments” for chemical dependency, if you are concerned that you may have a substance use problem and would like to understand treatment resources available to you.  Most health insurance will cover an assessment (call your health insurance customer service number to find out about your plan coverage).  If you don’t have insurance, Augsburg may be able to cover the cost of the assessment, or may help you find a state-funded free assessment (for information, have a confidential conversation with a counselor in the Center for Wellness & Counseling, or inquire with the Office of Student Affairs).  Call 612-672-2736 to schedule an evaluation.

M Health Fairview Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Treatment Programs

Hennepin County Chemical Health Services – 612-348-4111

Tubman – 612-870-2426


SAMSA National Helpline  1-800-662-HELP (4357)   24/7, free treatment referral and information service (English and Spanish)

Substance Use Treatment Locator   US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

University of Minnesota Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Programs – Confidential chemical dependency evaluations. Call 612-672-2736 to schedule an evaluation. Takes most insurances.

Hazelden Center  – 651-213-4000  (St. Paul location; also locations in Maple Grove and Plymouth)

Pride Institute – Chemical dependency and behavioral health services for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. 800-547-7743

Club Recovery

The Retreat   Non-clinical, mutual help approach, grounded in the spiritual principles of AA;  “affordable”

First Nation Recovery Center  Native-based, faith-based, 12 step recovery program;  Minneapolis 612-871-1208

11 Indicators of Quality Addiction Treatment  Recovery Research Institute

Addiction Treatment Scams Explained  Recovery Research Institute

States show large racial disparities in drug treatment success rates



ADDitude Symptom Checker (screening tool for symptoms of ADHD, LD, and other)


Leading ADHD therapist and author Ned Hallowell



Eating Disorders Screening Tool from National Eating Disorders Association

Peace Meal is an Emily Program podcast that discusses topics related to eating disorders, body image issues, and how society may contribute to distorted thinking.

The Dangers of Dieting

National Eating Disorders Association  Find help and support.

The Center for Mindful Eating

The Joy Project — local support group for eating disorders

Jenni Schaefer  Resources for recovering from an eating disorder (from writer Jenni Schaefer)

Help for Emotional Eating   Dr. Michelle May

Geneen Roth blog/books on recovering from emotional eating and compulsive eating

Adios Barbie:  A Body Image Site for Every Body

Eating Disorders & Minorities NOVA

Being Black and Struggling with Body Image video

Eating Disorders in the Transgender Community


Free and low cost support — NEDA

If you are in a crisis and need help immediately, call 988 or contact Crisis Text Line by texting “NEDA” to 741741 to be connected with a trained volunteer at Crisis Text Line. Crisis Text Line is an organization staffed by volunteers who provide free, 24/7 support via text message to individuals who are struggling with mental health, including eating disorders, and are experiencing crisis situations.

The Emily Program –  Outpatient treatment program that provides comprehensive psychological, nutritional and medical care for individuals with eating disorders. Program incorporates group therapy, individual therapy, eating disorder groups, nutritional education and counseling, and family therapy. Located in St. Paul – Midway, St. Louis Park, and Stillwater. 651-645-5323

Melrose Center – Nationally recognized comprehensive program in treating anorexia and bulimia; affiliated with University of Minnesota physicians. Team approach including physicians, physical and occupational therapists, registered nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and dietitians. Inpatient treatment, intensive day or partial inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, residential care, and support groups for patients and families. 952-993-6200  NEW LOCATION NEAR AUGSBURG — accessible by bus or light rail (St. Paul Midway)

Water’s Edge Counseling & Healing Center.  Christian-based counseling and intensive outpatient programs for eating disorders.  Located in Burnsville.

The Joy Project — free support group for eating disorders.  Monday nights from 6:30-8:00pm Hosts weekly support groups for members of the community who are struggling to recover from an eating disorder.  Currently meeting virtually through Zoom on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00pm.For link and password, contact us at

Eating Recovery Center — free online support groups for Eating Disorders, Binge Eating, and LGBTQ+ Eating Disorder/Body Image.  Free and open to the community (national organization)

Eating Disorders Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous    612-825-2312

National Eating Disorders Association  Find help and support



Gambler’s Anonymous     12-step support program     1-855-222-5542

Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling

M Health Fairview Compulsive Gambling Program



Healthy Gamers



Grief & Loss handout — handout on how to cope from CWC

How to Be Kind to Yourself in the Face of Rejection



Acknowledge, Support, Keep-in-Touch   Helpful guide from the Active Minds with practical examples of how you can support a friend who is struggling.

Five Helpful Things to Say to a Friend Who Self-Harms

Seize the Awkward    How to talk to a friend if you are concerned about them.  Includes conversation starters.



U of M Mindfulness for Students Club      Augsburg students have been invited to participate in the student mindfulness club at the University of Minnesota.

Guided Ancestor Meditation   Justin Michael Williams of “Stay Woke”

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction classes at the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing

A Compassion Practice for Opening the Heart — Sharon Salzburg

Sitting Together   Free meditation downloads and handouts

Self-Compassion exercises and guided meditations    Kristin Neff

The Three Minute Breathing Space  Jon Kabat Zinn

Calm app  College student discount available through Amazon Prime

Headspace Student Plan

All it Takes is Ten Mindful Minutes   Andy Puddicombe TED Talk



Workbook for Overcoming Procrastination



QuitPartner   “No Judgments. Just Help.”  Complete, free, confidential online support for quitting smoking, including creating your own QuitPlan, asking questions of expert counselors, learning from quit guides, and getting online support from the QuitNet community. Named one of the top 10 health sites on the web.  1-888-354-7526

American Lung Association of Minnesota    Self-help program or 8-week “Freedom from Smoking” classes available online or in groups.

Become an Ex    Three step program to quitting tobacco.  Truth Initiative partnered with the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center to launch BecomeAnEX in 2008 as a free digital resource to help tobacco users quit. This resource includes an active social community, text and email messaging support, expert guidance and interactive quitting tools.   Includes info for veterans, women, teens, and 60+.  Get support from SmokefreeTXT (texts to your smartphone).

QuitStart mobile app   Free smartphone app that helps you quit smoking with tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges.

The American Indian Quitline

Minnesota Department of Health Quitting Tobacco



Improve Your Social Skills   Social skills for people on the autism spectrum

Love is Respect

An Adult’s Guide to Social Skills for Those Who Were Never Taught

Getting Called Out:  How to Apologize  YouTube by Chescaleigh

The Four Horsemen:  Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling

The Attachment Project  Learn about your attachment style and how it affects your relationships



Beginner’s Guide to Self-Care for Activists

Caring for Yourself is a Radical Act:  Self Care Toolkit

Identifying Your Role and Practicing Self-Care as a Young Black Activist

Self-care and prevention of burn out among activists – tools for everyday life

Self-Care for Change Agents and Activists   Podcast by Dr. Thema (YouTube)

Self-Care for Activists:  Sustaining Your Most Valuable Resource

Why Self-Care is Crucial for People of Color (and Especially Activists)

Imade on Depression, and the Intersections of Social Justice and Mental Health  Black writer and activist (YouTube)

Healing: The Act of Radical Self-Care   Dr. Joi Lewis  (book)  “When you’re an emotional laborer, healer, activist, community leader, or voice for change, the burden of oppression, trauma, and sorrow can seem never-ending. When you’re facing nonstop heartache day-to-day, it’s easy to wish for total numbness. But when you can’t feel pain, you can’t feel joy.”

Irresistible podcast  healing and inspiration for social justice activists



Resources on Self-Injury from Cornell University

Call 844-287-6963 for 24/7/365 crisis and counseling support from a licensed behavioral health clinician (offered by CWC in partnership with BetterMynd)

Five Helpful Things to Say to a Friend Who Self-Harms



Sex Addicts Anonymous   12-step support program

Cornerstone Therapy & Recovery



6 Tips to Better Sleep    Mayo Clinic

Alarmy app  “If you can’t jump out of bed in the morning (e.g., most people?), this app is for you. It’s a creative alarm system that requires you to be alert before you can turn off the sound. Choose from having to answer math questions, take pictures of objects or places, shake the phone, and others. My choice to cancel the alarm was to take a picture of the sink, which worked super well. Once I fumbled to take the picture, there was nothing else to do but brush my teeth and get ready for the day.”



Resiliency Skills University of Michigan

Change to Chill    Ways to chill, get perspective, learn mindfulness.  From Allina Health.



Resilient Travellng:  Managing Stress & Enhancing Your Experience Abroad (University of Michigan)

Rocky Re-entry   “The realities of life after living cross-culturally”



Seven Ways Trauma Follows You into Adulthood

Seven Ways to Overcome Childhood Neglect



Natural Mental Health

Becoming Who You Are