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Effective Fall 2017, Augsburg University changed from a numeric to a +/- letter (A-F) grading system. Transcribed coursework prior to Fall 2017 will continue to display a numeric grade. For full grading policy details refer to the Evaluation and Grading sections of the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.

Augsburg University Transcript Key

Grade Scale


Grade Grade Points Explanation
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F / FN 0.00 Failure
P 0.00 Pass*
LP 0.00 Low Pass**
N 0.00 No Pass

*The letter grade equivalent of a P grade is a C- or higher for undergraduate courses and a B or higher for graduate courses.

**The letter grade equivalent of an LP grade is a D-, D, or D+ for undergraduate courses. It is not used for graduate courses. 

Final grade appeal

A student who believes that a final course grade is incorrect or has been inappropriately influenced by nonacademic factors has the right to appeal that course grade. The Student Guide includes full details of the final grade appeal procedure, including the Final Grade Appeal Form.

Grade Point Average

Grade point average (GPA) is based on final grades for all work at Augsburg. It does not include credit and grade points for work transferred from other institutions.

The formula for calculating GPA = Total grade points divided by number of credits attempted with A to F grades assigned.

The following grading symbols are not included in the GPA calculation:

Symbol Explanation
P Pass, C- or higher undergraduate or B or higher graduate work
LP Low Pass, D-, D, or D+ achievement (undergraduate courses only)
S Satisfactory
N No pass, no credit
V Audit, no credit
W Withdrawn
I Incomplete
X Extension, incomplete
IP In progress
R Repeat
GRT Credit granted
L Required lab component (a credit-bearing grade was earned in the corresponding lecture course)
NG Not graded, no credit

Changing Grade Option

With most undergraduate courses, students have the option to choose between traditional letter grading and P/LP/N grading. This option is not available at the graduate level. Students considering a grade option switch are advised that no more than 24 credits of P/LP/N graded classes may be applied to degree requirements. Additionally, individual majors and minors limit the number of P or LP graded credits that can be applied to the program. Some majors prohibit the use of P/LP/N grading for classes within the major. See the Augsburg undergraduate catalog for details.

Changing the grade option for a class can be done in the My Classes screen of Augnet Records and Registration by the deadline published in the academic calendar. If the grade option is available to be changed, students will see a button in the My Classes screen allowing them to update their selection. Questions about grade option changes can be directed to the Registrar’s Office.