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Pathways/Equivalents for Major

Whether you are already an Augsburg student or a prospective student, you can benefit from the powerful tool called Transferology. This free tool allows you to search for transfer courses that Augsburg has already deemed equivalent to its courses. In using this tool, you are accessing the same transfer rules that will be used by the Registrar’s Office in transferring the course to Augsburg.

Preparation Steps for Prospective Students Only:

  1. Enter your successfully completed coursework and passed standardized exams into Transferology, following the steps listed on the Transfer Credit Evaluation website page.
  2. Run and print an unofficial degree progress report (degree audit) for your preferred Augsburg major and/or Augsburg’s general education requirements, using the Degree Progress Report Step-by-Step Instructions.

Preparation Step for All Students:

  • Review the unsatisfied major requirement(s) on your degree audit. Consider which lower-level (100/200) courses you may be interested in taking at an institution other than Augsburg. Remember the pertinent policies and recommendations mentioned on the Transfer Planning website page. Some majors have a policy regarding transfer course limits and/or transfer credit limits. See the university catalog.

Transferology Steps:

Download (or access on a second device) the Major Equivalencies Step-by-Step Instructions.

Log in to Transferology

Instruction Summary: On the “Find a Replacement Course” tab, verify that Augsburg University is listed as the “School You Currently Attend.” (Click on “Start Over” to edit it.) Enter all of the courses for which you are interested in seeing an equivalent, click on “Search Matches,” and select the transfer institution.

Result: A report that shows the course(s) you could take at the transfer university to satisfy one or more course(s) for your Augsburg major.


  • Print the results or save by selecting “Print to PDF.”
  • If you are considering taking one or more courses at another transfer institution, repeat the steps and select the other transfer institution.