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PA Program Celebrates 10 Years of Graduates

pa_examAugsburg’s Physician Assistant Studies program celebrated the 10th anniversary of its first graduating class on Saturday night. Several members of the graduating Class of 1997 as well as many other graduates and professors attended.

A reception was held at 4 p.m. in the Oren Gateway Center, with a dinner and program following at 5:30 p.m. in the Christensen Center.

“It was truly special to have so many classmates and original faculty join us to celebrate,” says David Barlow, a graduate of the Class of 1997 and current assistant professor in the program. “We are fortunate to be part of a fabulous profession that makes a difference in so many lives.”

One of the program’s early professors who couldn’t be in attendance wrote in a letter that, “In general terms, [the 1997] class most likely recently passed the 1,000,000 mark in patients seen.”

The first class of physician assistants graduated 40 years ago from Duke University. Augsburg’s Physician Assistant Studies program continues to be one of the premier programs in the country.

For more information about the program, visit

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