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Sabo Symposium focuses on the nexus of school districts, communities, state government

Sabo_SymposiumThe spring 2013 Martin Olav Sabo Symposium will feature Minnesota public figures who will model civil dialogue in a discussion on the relationship between government, school districts, and the communities they serve.

Augsburg College will host “Funding Minnesota’s Future: State Government and its Partnership with School Districts and Communities,” the 10th Sabo Symposium, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., March 13, in Hoversten Chapel.

The event will feature Myron Frans, the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue. Continue reading “Sabo Symposium focuses on the nexus of school districts, communities, state government”

CCHP convocation features Dr. Henry Emmons on ‘The Science of Hope’

Emmons_convoDuring the 2012 Center for Counseling and Health Promotion convocation lectures, Henry Emmons, M.D., will discuss how individuals can restore serenity to their lives and protect themselves from stress.

His first lecture will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, October 19 in Hoversten Chapel and repeated at noon on Saturday, October 20 in the Chapel.

Emmons’ presentation is titled “The Science of Hope: Blending New Neuroscience and Ancient Wisdom to Sustain a Healthy Mind, Mood, and Heart.” His lecture will outline approaches to cultivating inner calm and joy in a chaotic, contemporary society where stress-related disorders are prevalent. Continue reading “CCHP convocation features Dr. Henry Emmons on ‘The Science of Hope’”

Pilgrims share their experience for Founders Day

Andrew and Sarah Wilson in front of the St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. The Wilsons visited the site at the end of their pilgrim walk which began in Erfurt, Germany, 1000 miles north of Rome. Courtesy Andrew Wilson

Interested in pilgrimage? Interested in meeting some modern pilgrims? Then the upcoming “Here I Walk” presentations are for you.

Andrew and Sarah Wilson will present “Here I Walk: With Luther from Erfurt to Rome” at the Augsburg College Founders Day Reformation Lectures, November 10 and 11 in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center.

The Wilsons’ route to Augsburg College has been anything but easy or ordinary. On the morning of August 22, 2010, the couple left the Augustinian priory in Erfurt, Germany, taking the first steps of a thousand-mile pilgrimage to Rome. The Wilsons followed roughly the same path that a 27-year old friar named Martin Luther trod 500 years earlier. Continue reading “Pilgrims share their experience for Founders Day”

Watkins to speak at MLK convocation

mlk_convoThe 21st annual Martin Luther King, Jr. convocation at Augsburg College will feature Hollis Watkins, civil rights activist and president and founder of Southern Echo, Inc. The convocation will be held in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center, on Monday, January 19 at 1 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

A native Mississippian from rural Lincoln County, Watkins was born the twelfth child to sharecroppers from the country. After completing high school at the Lincoln County Training School, he attended Tougaloo College in Tougaloo, Miss. with a double major in political science and history. Continue reading “Watkins to speak at MLK convocation”

Key Legislators to discuss Minnesota budget deficit Monday

saboIn recent weeks, one of the biggest questions in Minnesota politics was just how big would the state’s budget deficit be when Legislators returned to St. Paul in January?

On Thursday, the grim news was delivered: Minnesota is facing a budget deficit of $5.2 billion over the next 30 months because of falling tax revenue from struggling businesses and workers.

That, in turn, leads to another question: how exactly is the state going to deal with it?

The Augsburg College community will be given some insight into this topic on Monday afternoon. That’s because the Sabo Center for Citizenship and Learning will host a pair of key Minnesota Legislative leaders for what is expected to be an interesting forum. Continue reading “Key Legislators to discuss Minnesota budget deficit Monday”

Winona LaDuke presents Koryne Horbal Lecture

convo_ladukeThe fourth annual Koryne Horbal Lecture will feature internationally renowned activist and writer, Winona LaDuke. She will speak on Thursday, Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center. A book signing in the Foss Atrium will follow the convocation.

Winona LaDuke works on issues of sustainable development, renewable energy, food systems, and environmental justice with Indigenous communities. She is the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, one of the largest reservation-based nonprofit organizations in the country. In this project, she also continues national and international work to protect Indigenous plants and heritage foods from patenting and genetic engineering. The author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations, and a novel, Last Standing Woman, she is widely recognized for her work on environmental and human rights issues. Continue reading “Winona LaDuke presents Koryne Horbal Lecture”

Dr. Foerst to speak in Vocatio Chapel March 26

foerstAugsburg College continues its “Science as Vocation” series with Dr. Anne Foerst, visiting professor for Theology and Computer Science at St. Bonaventure University. Dr. Foerst will speak in the Hoversten Chapel at 10:20 a.m. on March 26.

Before her arrival at St. Bonaventure in January 2001, Dr. Foerst worked as research scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was also affiliated with the Center for the Studies of Values in Public Life of Harvard Divinity School.

At the AI-Lab, Dr. Foerst served as the theological advisor for the Cog and Kismet Projects, two attempts to develop embodied, autonomous and social robots in analogy to human infants that might learn and develop more mature intelligences. Continue reading “Dr. Foerst to speak in Vocatio Chapel March 26”

Dr. Ned Hallowell to speak at 2007-2008 Convocation Series

hallowellDr. Ned Hallowell, M.D. will make two presentations as part of the 2007-2008

Convocation Series “Many Voices Bold Vision.” His first presentation, “Worry,” will be held Friday, Feb. 15 at 3:30 p.m. “CrazyBusy,” the second of Hallowell’s presentations, will be held Saturday, Feb. 16 at Noon. Both events will be held in Hoversten Chapel in the Foss Center.

Edward (Ned) Hallowell, a child and adult psychiatrist and graduate of Harvard College and Tulane Medical School, is the founder of The Hallowell Center in Sudbury, Mass. He was a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty from 1983 until he retired from academics in 2004 to devote his full professional attention to his clinical practice, lectures, and the writing of books. He has authored 14 books on various psychological topics, including attention deficit disorder, the power of the human connection, the childhood roots of happiness in life, methods of forgiving others, dealing with worry, and managing excessive business. Continue reading “Dr. Ned Hallowell to speak at 2007-2008 Convocation Series”

Mardi Gras Madrigals return on Feb. 5

mardi2See the lowly raised up! See the mighty play the fool! See children command grown-ups to dance! At Mardi Gras Madrigals, the least shall be the greatest and the greatest shall be the least!

Mardi Gras Madrigals are a full medieval feast prepared according to medieval recipes (eaten without utensils, of course) to celebrate the midwinter carnival before Lent begins. At Augsburg, it features jugglers, storytellers, and period music performed by madrigal choirs from Mahtomedi and Saint Paul Central High Schools, and Augsburg’s own Cedar Sixteen men’s choir and Riverside Singers women’s choir. Continue reading “Mardi Gras Madrigals return on Feb. 5”

Vocatio Chapel on Jan. 23 with Alan Padgett

vocatioAugsburg College continues the tradition of the Vocatio Chapel series with Alan Padgett, professor of systematic theology at Luther Seminary speaking in Hoversten Chapel on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 10:20 a.m.

Padgett is vitally interested in the dialogue between theology and science, as well as such varying topics as Christian spirituality, systematic theology, and Christian ethics and the relationship between religion and science. He is currently editor of the online Journal for Christian Theological Research, and he is general editor of the book series, Sacra Doctrina.

Lunch with Dr. Padgett will follow the chapel service at 11 a.m. To RSVP for the lunch, or for more questions about the Vocatio Chapel series, contact Ross Murray at or x1151.

The Vocatio Chapel series is part of Exploring Our Gifts, funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment. It is a collegewide program dedicated to making the Christian concept of vocation a vital part of Augsburg’s classrooms and co-curricular activities.