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Dr. Foerst to speak in Vocatio Chapel March 26

foerstAugsburg College continues its “Science as Vocation” series with Dr. Anne Foerst, visiting professor for Theology and Computer Science at St. Bonaventure University. Dr. Foerst will speak in the Hoversten Chapel at 10:20 a.m. on March 26.

Before her arrival at St. Bonaventure in January 2001, Dr. Foerst worked as research scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was also affiliated with the Center for the Studies of Values in Public Life of Harvard Divinity School.

At the AI-Lab, Dr. Foerst served as the theological advisor for the Cog and Kismet Projects, two attempts to develop embodied, autonomous and social robots in analogy to human infants that might learn and develop more mature intelligences. She also initiated and directs “God and Computers,” a dialogue project initially between Harvard Divinity School, the Boston Theological Institute and MIT, and now to be continued at St. Bonaventure. In this function, Dr. Foerst has organized several public lecture series and public conferences on artificial intelligence, computer science, and concepts on personhood and dignity. She is a consultant with several projects that are exploring the connection of new media and religion, especially with Christian churches. Dr. Foerst has also presented various keynote addresses on the interaction between religion and science.

After Vocatio Chapel, Dr. Foerst will participate in a luncheon discussion in the Riverside Room of the Christensen Center at noon. To RSVP for the lunch, or for more questions about the Vocatio Chapel series, please contact Ross Murray at or 612-330-1151.

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