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Vocatio Chapel on Jan. 23 with Alan Padgett

vocatioAugsburg College continues the tradition of the Vocatio Chapel series with Alan Padgett, professor of systematic theology at Luther Seminary speaking in Hoversten Chapel on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 10:20 a.m.

Padgett is vitally interested in the dialogue between theology and science, as well as such varying topics as Christian spirituality, systematic theology, and Christian ethics and the relationship between religion and science. He is currently editor of the online Journal for Christian Theological Research, and he is general editor of the book series, Sacra Doctrina.

Lunch with Dr. Padgett will follow the chapel service at 11 a.m. To RSVP for the lunch, or for more questions about the Vocatio Chapel series, contact Ross Murray at or x1151.

The Vocatio Chapel series is part of Exploring Our Gifts, funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment. It is a collegewide program dedicated to making the Christian concept of vocation a vital part of Augsburg’s classrooms and co-curricular activities.

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