This theatre production, translated by Nilo Cruz, is an adaptation of Pedro Calderòn’s 17th century Spanish masterpiece. It is directed by Martha Johnson and will be performed in the Tjornhom-Nelson Theater Nov. 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 at 7 p.m., and Nov. 4 & 11 at 2 p.m. Tickets will go on sale Oct. 22. To reserve tickets, please contact the box office at 612-330-1257.
“I read about this new translation of Life is a Dream in ‘American Theater Magazine’ last year,” says director Martha Johnson. “I’ve always wanted to direct this imaginative and fascinating play with students, and I was very excited to read that Nilo Cruz, a well-known Cuban-American playwright, had created a new translation. I was also excited about the idea of our being the theatre organization to premiere Cruz’s version in the Twin Cities area. We spoke to Cruz’s agent in New York and were very pleased to be able to acquire the rights for a fall production.”
Life is a Dream explores destiny, freewill, and passionate love through the eyes of a king’s son imprisoned by his father from birth. The play has recently shown itself to have a powerful appeal for contemporary audiences, and Cuban-born American playwright Nilo Cruz won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize in Drama for his celebrated play Anna in the Tropics.
“The show will be cool to see because we’ve worked with a fight choreographer for some sword fighting scenes,” says Amber Davis, an actor in Life is a Dream. “And it’s so cheap – only $2 [for Augsburg students]! It’s a nice way to start off our fall season, and things can only get better from here.”