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These guys want to teach you about your money

financial_literacyDo you know how to find your credit report? How about what affects your report positively or negatively? Which lender did you choose for your Stafford loan? Do you know how to contact them if you have a question about repayment?

These are a few of the important money matters that Tom Rixen ’12 [left] and Kris Ozga ’11 want you to know about. And as a reward just for learning, they might give you a fabulous prize!

Rixen and Ozga are the students behind College Money Matters, a series of events designed to help students learn about the financial issues that are important to them now and in the future. Both marketing majors, they were recruited to join a personal finance pilot project aimed at college students directed by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Ozga says that he was interested in the program because, unlike many of his peers, he learned very early in life about the importance of saving and spending wisely. “I’ve always been very good at personal finance, and I think this is something students need to know. I think they are usually passive about finance until they get to the real world,” he says.

Rixen wanted to be involved with Money Matters to help his peers understand more about credit and finances. “I learn better myself by helping others, so I want to share this with my friends and classmates.”

Rixen and Ozga are planning a series of events starting the week of Nov. 8. They will be tabling in Christensen every day and are having a Jeopardy game one night during dinner. They are also available to give “bite-sized presentations” on financial matters in classes or in other venues.

“We want this to be very interactive,” Ozga said. Rixen adds that they want students to come up with questions about what they want to know because, that way, they will get more out of the program. “It’s a student involved program, so they have to learn and then they can get the benefits of it.”

What are the benefits? In addition to a better understanding of issues like credit, financial aid, and saving, students can win a Wii, a Blu-Ray player, or $300 cash.

“Our goal is to have fun and help students learn while they are hanging out with us,” Rixen says.

Rixen and Ozga will be tabling in Christensen Center every day the week of Nov. 8. So come and hang out with them. There could be something in it for you.

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