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Augsburg College to launch new website this week

Website_relaunchThis Friday, October 26, Augsburg College will launch its new website powered by WordPress, an open-source website content management system that, according to, is used by nearly 17 percent of the world’s top 1 million websites, including The New York Times, CNN, and the Library of Congress.

The website project was launched in fall 2011 when Information Technology and Marketing and Communication tested several content management software options and confirmed WordPress as the platform for the new site. Design and prototyping were completed during the spring 2012 term, and content conversion began early this past summer.

The primary goal of the project was to consolidate the web content currently found on—as well as several other website platforms—onto a single system that allows for more direct management of subsite text and images by individual departments and programs. More than 165 subsites were transferred to WordPress as part of this project, and more than 100 staff and faculty across the campus (see list, below) have been trained and actively engaged in updating the content of their portion of These “content managers” will continue to serve as the points of contact for ongoing updates to their sites after Friday’s launch.

Barring unforeseen technical issues, the new site is expected to be live before noon on Friday.

Content managers for subsites of

Academic Advising Bruno Yang
Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP) Nate Hallanger
Academic Skills Office Benjy Kent
Academics Amy Gort
Admissions (undergraduate and graduate) Jessica Frohling, Nate Gorr, Soniel Han, David Jones, Janet Lestock, Nancy Shaeffer, Carola Thorson
Alumni and Parent Relations Sara Schlipp-Riedel
American Indian Student Support Program Jennifer Simon
American Indian Studies Eric Buffalohead
Art Galleries Jenny Wheatley
Art Chris Houltberg
Augsburg Abroad Andrea Dvorak, Leah Spinosa de Vega
Augsburg Core Curriculum Jacqui deVries
Biology David Crowe
Bonner Leaders Program Andrea Batt, Elaine Eschenbacher
BSN Completion Sharon Wade
Business Administration Kelly Ackerman
Campus Activities and Orientation (CAO) Michael Grewe, Joanne Reeck-Irby
Campus Kitchen Brian Noy
Campus Ministry Louise Hakola
Center for Counseling and Health Promotion Dianne Detloff
Center for Democracy and Citizenship Elaine Eschenbacher
Center for Faith and Learning Lonna Field
Center for Global Education (CGE) Margaret Anderson, Jesse Haas, Regina McGoff
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Sarah Hedstrom, Scott Krenz, Velma Lashbrook
Central Services Jill Davenport
Chemistry Vivian Feng
CLASS Program Regina Hopingardner
College of the Third Age Kimberly Simmonds
Commencement Seth Lienard
Communication Studies David Lapakko
Computer Science Larry Crockett
Convocation Series Judi Green
Corporate and Foundation Relations Laura Roller
Department of Public Safety (DPS) Janine Kellogg
Diversity page Caren Custer
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Linden Gawboy
Economics Bernard Walley
Education Continuing Studies Cheryl Sticha
Education Current Students Joe Erickson
Education Cheryl Sticha
Employment Caren Custer
English Stephan Clark
Enrollment Center Liz Bassani
Environmental Stewardship Committee Andrea Dvorak
Environmental Studies John Zobitz
Event and Conference Planning Seth Lienard
Facilities Management Terri Adams
Film Studies Wesley Ellenwood
Finance and Administration Nate Engle, Jeavonna Sutherland
Giving to Augsburg Martha Truax
Grantseeking Laura Roller
Health and Physical Education Eileen Uzarek
Hispanic Latino Student Services Kasidy Moore
History Phil Adamo
Honors Program Kevin Butcher, Austin Smith
Human Resources Dionne Doering, Caren Custer
Information Technology (IT) Scott Krajewski
Institutional Review Board Dawn Ludwig
International Partners Jim Trelstad-Porter
International Student Advising Jie He, Jim Trelstad-Porter
Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies Michael Kidd
Lindell Library Mike Bloomberg
Marketing and Communication Mark Chamberlain
Master of Arts in Education (MAE) Cheryl Sticha
Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) Patty Park
Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) Linden Gawboy
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Cass Dalglish, Jessica Frohling
Master of Music Therapy (MMT) Jessica Frohling, Cathy Knutson
Master of Social Work (MSW) Holley Locher
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Kathy Fagen
Mathematics John Zobitz
McNair Scholars Program Lara Crombie
Medieval Studies Phil Adamo
Metro-Urban Studies Nancy Fischer
Military and Veterans Support Program Lori York
Minnesota Urban Debate League Mike Steffan
Music Business Ned Kantar
Music Education Michael Buck
Music Tina Brauer, Cathy Knutson
Music Therapy Cathy Knutson
Native American Film Series Elise Marubbio
Nursing index page Katie Clark
Office of International Programs Fatimah Panemalaythong
Pan-Afrikan Student Services Kasidy Moore
Pan-Asian Student Services Kasidy Moore
Philosophy David Apolloni
Physician Assistant (PA) Carrie Benton
Physics David Murr
Political Science Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Joe Underhill
Psychology Ben Denkinger
Registrar’s Office Gabby DeMarre, Lori York
Religion Hans Wiersma
Residence Life Cyndy Rowe
Rochester Admissions Lisbeth Henslin
Sabo Center for Citizenship and Learning Elaine Eschenbacher, Mary Laurel True, Steve Peacock
Scholastic Connections Cindy Peterson
Social Work Doran Edwards, Courtney Zaato
Sociology James Vela-McConnell
Staff Senate Michael Grewe, Jeff Rowdon
STEM Programs Rebekah Dupont
StepUP Program Patrice Salmeri
Strommen Center for Meaningful Work Ana Eliason, Sandy Tilton
Student Affairs Index Tracy Christianson
Student Computing Franz Santander
Student Financial Aid Liz Bassani
Student Guide Tracy Christianson
Summer Camps Seth Lienard
Theater Michael Burden
Transfer Admissions David Jones
TRiO/Student Support Services Kevin Cheatham
Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) Kirsten O’Brien
Weekend College – Current Students Kimberly Simmonds
Wellness Program Carol Enke
Women’s Resource Center Adriene Brown
Women’s Studies Adriene Brown
Writing Lab Kathryn Swanson
Youth and Family Ministry Jeremy Myers


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