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MinnPost examines Urban Scrubs Camp

MinnPostMinnPost recently published a detailed look at the 2015 Urban Scrubs Camp, a hands-on learning experience for high school students interested in medical careers that was held at Augsburg College and Saint Paul College in July. The event was supported by the Central Corridor Anchor Partnership, an organization that connects colleges and hospitals located in the Central Corridor area between Minneapolis and Saint Paul. The article states that 76 students from a wide range of backgrounds attended the event at Augsburg where they learned about emergency services, toxicology, behavioral therapy, and other medical disciplines.

The event is designed to give high school students first-hand understanding of college life and medical careers. MinnPost quotes Augsburg College President Paul Pribbenow as saying,  “We want to give them a glimpse of what these careers look like, and something of a college experience that makes the possibility seem more real to them.”

In particular, Augsburg and its partners at the University of Minnesota Medical Center – Fairview focus on the many Somali students who live nearby with help from community organizations such as the the African Development Center and the West Bank Community Coalition.

Read “How innovative programs are opening pathways to good health-care jobs for inner-city youth” on the MinnPost website.

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