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Spotlight on Weight Loss Success: Dianne Detloff

dianne_200Dianne Detloff, Center for Counseling and Health Promotion, has lost 37.8 pounds on Weight Watchers at Work and was willing to share her weight-loss journey with our community in her own words.

“I came to Weight Watchers because I wanted something convenient to help with an intentional decision I made about wanting to lose weight. I heard a lot of good things about Weight Watchers but never tried it as a dieting tool. I also had some family events coming up when I started last March that I wanted to look and feel better about myself for.

“I keep coming because it has worked for me, and because the leader is awesome and the people in the group are incredibly supportive each and every week. I also get ideas and information and feel myself becoming more confident as the weeks continue. And it works wells with my schedule and an on campus meeting location is very convenient.

“Now, I think a lot more intentionally about what I eat I think. I am more aware of how important exercise is. My doctor is thrilled because despite not having any known medical problems all the important numbers are lower than they were a year ago. I feel better all the time now it seems. While I was not a somber person previously I think I am even more peppier and confident now. Most importantly, my weight loss is due solely to what I can accomplish when i set my mind to it

– no special foods, no surgery, no pills; just me being intentional in my thinking about food.

“I think it’s well worth trying if you want to lose weight and make better choices about a lifestyle change. It’s incredibly convenient to have this opportunity to have a work site meeting place. There are so many supports available from the group to the materials to the on campus resources for exercising. It’s hard not to try it and especially with the holiday season approaching.”

Inspired by these Weight Watchers members? Ready to tackle the holiday season with a support group? A new series of Weight Watchers begins on Friday, Nov. 16, 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the Century Room. Contact Cherie Christ at with questions.

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or to learn more about the Wellness Program initiatives?

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