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Register for 'Day at the Capitol'

capitolAt Augsburg College, more than one out of four students receive money from the Minnesota State Grant Program. This represents more than $2.2 million of aid that helps make a college education at Augsburg a reality for students.

On March 12, students will have the opportunity through the “Day at the Capitol” event to have their voices heard by the legislators who make the decisions to fund these grants. At this event, students can let legislators know about the importance of this funding while gaining an insider’s view of the legislative process. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend the Day at the Capitol.

Participants will receive a policy and lobbying briefing, including comments from House and Senate members who represent their campus. Then, they will meet with legislators and attend a question-and-answer session. The Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC), the sponsor of the event, provides training and materials and makes legislative appointments for participants to meet with their local representatives.

The event is completely free and includes shuttle transportation to and from the capitol. Lunch also will be provided at no cost to students.


10:20 a.m. — leave campus from East Parking Lot to capitol

2 p.m. — leave capitol for campus

To register, simply go to the MPCC web site and register today. Additional campus events are being planned to educate students about issues surrounding financial aid.

Registration and more information:

On Wednesday, March 5, two discussion and information sessions will be held called “RealTalk: Student Aid.” This session will examine issues surrounding funding for aid, and it should serve as good preparation for the “Day at the Capitol.” Both sessions will be held in the Century Room of the Christensen Center — the first at noon, the second at 7 p.m.

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