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Meet Brant Thomsen '00 MSW/MA

meet_brantBrant Thomsen is a social worker for the St. Paul Public Schools and a recipient of a dual degree in social work and theology from Augsburg College and Luther Seminary. He shared his thoughts about working in ministry and social work.

“This is the tenth year of my beginning work at the seminary, and I have been thinking for several months on a much deeper and more personal level about what it means to be a social worker and in ministry, regardless of setting. This program is extremely important — I can readily testify to that.

I have countless stories of how my focus and diverse skill have impacted the people I have been honored to serve in the past years, my connections in the church, and my professional network in the school system and broader mental health community in St. Paul. Being able to think about social work from a spiritual perspective opens important dialogue, challenges norms, and enhances social work’s ability to engage with people around the area of faith and spirituality. Being able to view pastoral care and ministry out of the church, from a social work and mental health perspective (and with clinical skill), adds a depth of knowledge and experience that the church on whole greatly benefits from.

I truly think that within 5 to 10 years I will be writing books about this.

Brant Thomsen ’00 MSW/MA

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