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If I Could Tell You Just One Thing…

one_thing Augsburg faculty and staff answer the question, “If you could tell all new Auggies just one thing, what would it be?” Obviously, some of us couldn’t keep our answer to one thing.



Brenda a.k.a. “Mama B” Hemmingsen, Visit Coordinator, Office of Undergraduate Admissions

If you’re uncomfortable, you may be learning. Also, it’s important to learn to ask for the help you need.

Bev Stratton, Professor of Religion and AugSem Director

Show up for class, every single day, even if you think it’s going to be boring or pointless. Do not cut classes.

David Lapakko, Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Take the slogan, “Auggie is an action verb” to heart. It’s who we are and describes our ethos (in learning, in activism, in community) better than anything else I can think of. You will be successful at Augsburg if you get involved – in and beyond your “formal learning.”

Lori A. Peterson, Director, Augsburg for Adults

Plan to travel abroad during sophomore and/or junior year, and sleep and eat right!

Mary Jastremski, Admissions Systems Coordinator

Take advantage of one of the most incredible and possibly most life-changing experience you’ll ever have: Study Abroad.

Leah Spinosa de Vega, Director, Augsburg Abroad

Work hard to get where you want to be. There are lots of opportunities here and you deserve to partake of them.

Emily Nugent 01, Admissions Counselor, Augsburg for Adults

Be true to yourself and listen to your gut!

Sally Daniels ’79, Director of Parent and Family Relations

Challenge yourself and be authentic. Take a class you might not originally have been interested in. Commit to tasting food you’ve never tried. Have a conversation with someone different from you. Study a different religion and attend a service to learn more. Experiencing life leads to a deeper understanding of your authenticity. Go BE an Auggie!

Marissa Machado ’99, Assistant Director of Admissions and Coordinator of International Admissions

In order to be an Auggie, you must be willing to meet new people. Feel free to introduce yourself to people. Get to know your fellow Auggies!!

Carrie Carroll, Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Most of what you want to get out of college can be attained by showing up. Showing up to class means that you will understand what’s happening in the class. Showing up at activities means that you won’t be lonely. Showing up at meetings means that your concerns will be heard. Just show up.

Ross Murray ’00, Campus Ministry Associate: Exploring Our Gifts and Tutoring Services Coordinator

Understand that in life, closed mouths don’t get fed!

Richard a.k.a. “Dubb” Webb, Senior Admissions Counselor and Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment

In addition to learning from our excellent faculty there are many great staff members you can use as resources in your learning journey, whether it is asking them a question about their work, or asking them to connect you to people who can help you.

Amanda Storm, Associate Director of Alumni Relations

Take a variety of courses and explore your options before deciding on a major. You’ll meet lots of people and maybe discover interests or passions you didn’t know you had.

Jennifer Oliver ’07, Enrollment Counselor

Take responsibility for your student life. Plan ahead, meet deadlines, and think about your future. No one else is responsible for your life. It holds potential for each of you. It is yours and YOU make it happen.

Pat Kinner, Academic Advising

Take a class outside of your “home” program (i.e. Day students take a weekend or evening class and Weekend students take a day or evening class). You will hear different perspectives and meet some of the amazing students you normally would not get to know.

Wendi Wheeler ’06, Creative Associate – Editorial

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