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Vocatio Chapel Series

vocatio_decArt has always been a part of personal faith lives. From religious icons, to hymns of praise, worshippers have used art as a tool to pray and praise. Songs and hymns give praise to God. Paintings and sculptures depict stories from scripture to let the worshipper understand the story in a new way. Dramas have brought sacred stories to life.

The 2008-2009 Vocatio Chapel Series, “Faith and the Imagination: The Call to the Arts” continues Wednesday, Dec. 10 with organist and Central Lutheran Church music director, Mark Sedio. Vocatio Chapel begins at 10:20 a.m. in Foss Center.

Mark may be well known to the Augsburg community, not only as an alumnus (1976) but also as the organist at Central Lutheran. After completing his bachelor’s at Augsburg, Sedio attended the University of Iowa, St. John’s University, and Luther Seminary. Frequent requests to present hymn festivals, workshops and clinics have taken him to all parts of the United States and Canada as well as Central Europe. His compositions for choir, organ, piano, solo voice and instrument ensembles are published by AMSI, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, Choristers Guild, Concordia Publishing House, MorningStar Music Publishers, and Selah Music Publishers. His hymns and psalm settings have been included in several denominational hymnals and hymnal supplements. Other publications include articles on liturgy and church music, multi-cultural music and worship aids, children in worship, vacation Bible school curricula and multi-cultural music.

A charter member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, Sedio served on the organization’s founding board and was elected its first Director for Ecclesiastical Concerns. He has also held positions in the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and is active in the American Composers Forum and the Hymn Society of the United States and Canada.

Mark will also play the organ with the orchestra during this year’s Advent Vespers.

Interested students, faculty, and staff are invited to lunch with Mark at 11 a.m. in the Riverside Room, Christensen Center. To RSVP for the lunch, email Ross Murray at

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