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Losing big at work

wwatworkEleven weeks ago these gentlemen were carrying around a bit more weight—the equivalent of a first-year college student, in fact. No, they weren’t toting around any unruly students. As of today, they’ve lost a total of 118 pounds between the two of them, and they weren’t drinking protein shakes or following the cabbage soup diet.

Through Augsburg’s Weight Watchers At Work program, Bruce Bengry and Bob Peterson [L to R] of the Department of Public Safety have lost weight and are learning how to keep it off by following a healthy diet and working regular physical activity into their lives.

The two started Weight Watchers because Bengry said their uniforms didn’t fit. “We were embarrassed at first because we were the only men,” says Peterson. But quickly they became two of the meeting’s stars, giving each other high fives after weighing in each week. Now their uniforms don’t fit again, this time because the officers’ waistlines are shrinking.

“The best part is that the program is so easy to do, and it’s so easy to see success,” Bengry says. “And because we’re doing it at work, we see other people from the meeting and they hold us accountable.”

Bengry and Peterson’s weight loss combines with the other 18 members of Augsburg’s group for a total loss of 328 pounds. The group is completing their program next week and will begin another session, as long as they can get 20 members, on June 16.

For more information on Weight Watchers At Work, contact the Human Resources department at 612-330-1058.

Building a healthy department

Losing weight is just one of the ways Augsburg’s DPS staff is getting and staying healthy. Together they are going to Kennedy Center to lift weights and bike, and many officers are also participating in the Twin Cities Bike Walk Week, June 5-12.

Augsburg has a team competing in the commuter challenge and is encouraging people not only to bike, walk, or bus to work that week but to make alternative transportation a regular part of their routine.

On Thursday, June 10, bikers, walkers, and bus riders can take part in several events in our neighborhood including breakfast and happy hour specials at Bedlam Theatre, waffles at Freewheel Bikes, and half-price slices at Pizza Luce.

For more information, go to the Twin Cities Bike Walk site.

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