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It’s W.O.W. — Week of Women

weekofwomenAugsburg communication studies students Susie Mechtel [right, with Paris Yarbrough center], Megan Kaiser, Kendra McClausland, Samantha Cantrall, Melissa Herrick [left], and Austin Erickson are hosting an activism project entitled “Week of Women” beginning Monday, March 5. The week’s activities will be dedicated to the empowerment of women and the engagement of men in conversations surrounding the issues of women’s social justice and representation in the media.

According to Mechtel, the purpose of the Week of Women is to empower women and engage men in conversations surrounding the ideas of how both women and men are portrayed in the media. But, she said, the group hopes their work can make a lasting impression with students.

“We can only do so much as a small group, and we can only reach so many people. We want to equip people with as much go to knowledge as possible so that they can challenge people who may enforce sexist stereotypes or make sexist jokes.”

She added that the group wants to learn more about using the media as a resource to counteract the messages presented by media. “I guess we’re all hoping to learn how to challenge the people who blame victims in cases of rape or challenge the guys that say objectifying things about women and even challenge women who say negative and degrading things towards other women. Media is a powerful thing and we have the rare opportunity that no one before us has had, and that is being able to use the media to fight back.”

Week of Women events:


March 5-6: Tabling in Christensen Center asking you to tell us why you are empowered and why you want to empower others. Stop by for a photo or pick up a button to show your support.

LOCATION: Christensen Center

TIME: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

March 6: Come see a screening of “Miss Representation,” a documentary film exploring how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence.

LOCATION: Science 123

TIME: 7 p.m.

March 7: The Road To Shameless: A survivor’s true story of rape and recovery. Nancy Donoval, an award-winning speaker, will speak about her experience and about rape prevention.

LOCATION: Sateren Auditorium, Music Building

TIME: 7 p.m.

March 8: LET IT OUT! Showcase your talent at an inspirational poetry slam and open mic. Food will be provided.

LOCATION: Student Lounge (Christensen Center)

TIME: 7 p.m.

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