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Advisory: Augsburg’s 6th traditional powwow is March 29

Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community to be honored for donation


Augsburg College will host a traditional powwow March 29 in the Si Melby Hall Gymnasium. The event, hosted by the Augsburg Indigenous Student Association and American Indian Student Services, includes two Grand Entries and an Honoring Ceremony to recognize graduating American Indian students.

The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) also will be honored for recently contributing $250,000 to endowed scholarships* for American Indian students at the College. The gift means the College will award an additional $10,000 per year to enrolled American Indian students.

“We are most appreciative of this generous gift,” said Bonnie Wallace, an Augsburg College Regent and an enrolled member of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. “The SMSC, once again, serves as a shining example of ongoing commitment in the area of ‘cradle to career’ educational opportunities in native communities.”

In addition, a blanket dance will be held for Augsburg student Nicholas “Nick” Sam who nearly five months ago contracted a rare illness that has left him hospitalized ever since. The dance will honor Sam and raise funds to be used for his medical care.


  • 11 a.m.
    • Registration for drums and dancers
    • Campus tour for guests interested in learning about Augsburg’s academic programs
  • 1 p.m.
    • Grand Entry
    • Aztec Mexican Dance Presentation by Kalpulli KetzalCoatlicue
  • 3 p.m.
    • Honoring Ceremony for 2013-14 graduating American Indian students
    • Augsburg College Regent Bonnie Wallace recognizes SMSC
  • 6 p.m. – Grand Entry

The event is free and open to the public. American Indian arts and crafts vendors will be selling wares. Community resources vendors also will be present.


* The SMSC gift for an endowed scholarship provides the College with a permanent asset from which American Indian students can receive support. An endowed scholarship fund makes scholarship awards based upon the annual earnings of the fund’s principal. In the case of the SMSC endowed scholarship, that amount is anticipated to generate about $10,000 per year to be awarded as scholarships.

Augsburg College is set in a vibrant neighborhood at the heart of the Twin Cities, and offers more than 50 undergraduate majors and nine graduate degrees to more than 4,000 students of diverse backgrounds. Augsburg College educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community that is committed to intentional diversity in its life and work. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran church, and shaped by its urban and global settings.


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