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Congratulations to off-campus summer researchers

offcampus_researchThe following students will be conducting research off campus this summer. Congratulations, Auggies!


Emma Winegar, Mathematics, Carleton College with the Summer Mathematics Program for Women Undergraduates

Ryan Mulcahy, Mathematics, NSF-REU at the Rochester Institute of Technology

Brianna Blake, Mathematics, NSF-REU at the Rochester Institute of Technology in External Graph Theory and Dynamical Systems

Gottlieb Uahengo, Physics, NSF-REU at Harvard University in Bioengineering, Scientific Computing, Robotics and Materials Science and Engineering Continue reading “Congratulations to off-campus summer researchers”

Sorum presents winning poster at AAAS annual meeting

sorum_aaasAt the 2012 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) international meeting in Vancouver B.C., biology major Alex Sorum won the student poster competition in the medicine and public health category. Alex won with his poster titled, “Effects of Airway Epithelial Secretions on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Formation” which presented the research he did as a Sundquist Scholar with biology assistant professor Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright during 2011.

Sorum did research on the bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacteria that affects about 80 percent of cystic fibrosis patients by the age of 18. The bacteria is difficult to treat because it forms a biofilm in the lungs that protects it against antibiotics and white blood cells. He harvested secretions from a non-cystic fibrosis lung model and applied them to the bacteria to test whether the lung secretions would inhibit the formation of the biofilm. Continue reading “Sorum presents winning poster at AAAS annual meeting”