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Nic Thomley ’15 MBA earns Harry Crown Fellowship from Aspen Institute

Aspen Institute - LogoAugsburg College alumnus Nic Thomley ’15 MBA was one of 22 entrepreneurs inducted as 2016 Harry Crown Fellows by the Aspen Institute, an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, D.C.

Over a two-year period, the fellows explore their leadership, core values, vision for a “Good Society,” and desired legacies by spending four weeks in structured retreat. They then put their learning into action with a new venture designed to stretch them and to have a positive impact on their communities, their country, or the world.

Thomley’s career began in 1999 when he founded Pinnacle Services to provide vocational, residential, and financial management services to seniors and people with disabilities. He was 19. Since then, he has gone on to form Morning Star Financial Services and Summit Fiscal Agency.

Read Aspen Institute Mobilizes New Generation of Leaders on the PR Newswire site.