Phil Adamo, associate professor of history and director of Medieval Studies at Augsburg College, was a guest on KARE 11 on Halloween to talk about the origins of the holiday. Adamo shared with Diana Pierce and viewers how Halloween started as a Celtic festival that celebrated the final harvest and eventually was incorporated into Christian traditions to lure non-Christians into the Church. He also discussed the origins of the bonfire, jack-o-lanterns, and Halloween candy.
Christensen Symposium features Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary
The 2011 Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium, which will be held Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 26-27, will feature Walter Brueggeman, professor emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, and United Church of Christ minister. Brueggemann’s work focuses on the relationship between the Hebrew Scriptures and Christian faith. His 58 books, hundreds of sermons, and worldwide lecture events have deeply influenced contemporary theology and biblical exegesis. Brueggemann’s books include The Prophetic Imagination, Praying the Psalms, Theology of the Old Testament, and numerous commentaries on the Hebrew canon.
The annual Christensen Symposium is made possible through the Christensen Endowment, which was established by alumni and friends of Augsburg to honor Bernhard M. Christensen. As the president of Augsburg College and Seminary from 1938 to 1962, Christensen was a central figure in drawing Augsburg fully into the study of the liberal arts. Continue reading “Christensen Symposium features Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary”
Filmmaker examines the mystery of goodness
Emmy award-winning filmmaker Michael King spoke at Augsburg recently about his newest project, The Rescuers. The film honors the work of 13 diplomats—Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, and Sikh—who risked their lives to save others during the Holocaust.
King became interested in the story of these diplomats after seeing a photo exhibit about their lives. He worked with noted British historian Sir Martin Gilbert, who had just completed a book about common people who saved Jews during the Holocaust and with Stephanie Nyombayire, a Rwandan anti-genocide who lost 100 members of her family to genocide. His research led King to descendants of the diplomats and to survivors of the ordeal as he uncovered stories largely unknown before this time. Continue reading “Filmmaker examines the mystery of goodness”