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Jacquie Berglund ’87 and Finnegans pioneer ‘reverse’ food truck

Minneapolis Star TribuneAugsburg alumna Jacquie Berglund ’87, CEO of Finnegans charitable beer company, was quoted in a Star Tribune story on the business’s latest endeavor: a reverse food truck. According to the Star Tribune, Finnegans’ will drive its new vehicle to locations around the Twin Cities to collect nonperishable food items and monetary donations. All donations go back to Finnegans’ community fund, which channels the food to local food shelves and uses monetary donations to buy fresh produce from local farms. Learn more in “Finnegans’ food truck collects food, money for local food shelves.”

Reflecting on migrant workers’ hardships from CGE Mexico campus

lippittabroadErica Lippitt ’13, international business major, returns to our CGE Mexico campus for the second time to study abroad.

When we buy produce, do we really know what we are paying for, or the story behind the produce? Most likely the produce you recently purchased is produced with the help of migrant workers. Migrant workers, year after year, separate themselves from their families to work the season, which is usually eight months. Children are left without their fathers, and wives without their husbands, all because the economy of their home country is struggling and jobs aren’t available. When we purchase produce, we don’t think about the terrible living and working conditions the migrant workers are subjected to, the medical effects, or the non-economic effects. Continue reading “Reflecting on migrant workers’ hardships from CGE Mexico campus”