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Somé to speak at Counseling and Health Promotion convocation

cchp_convoThe Augsburg College 2010-11 convocation series continues Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11 and 12, with author and activist Malidoma Patrice Somé. A book signing will be held Friday at 5 p.m. and Saturday at 11:30 a.m. in the Arnold Atrium, Foss Center.

Before his birth, in 1956, the elders of Somé’s village knew that his purpose in coming into this world was to carry the message of indigenous technology and spirituality to the western world, a place where modernity was growing increasingly hungry for a reconnection to ancient wisdom. Little did he know, as a young child stolen from his family and village, that the years he would spend under the harsh tutelage of the religious order would prepare the way for the eventual challenge of integrating old and new, the sacred and the mundane. Continue reading “Somé to speak at Counseling and Health Promotion convocation”

The balance between humans and nature

cchp_convoAugsburg College presents the 2010 Counseling and Health Promotion convocation on Friday, Feb. 12 and Saturday, Feb. 13. This year’s presenter, Elena Avila, will share her concept of medicine as a curandera (healer).

Avila is a first generation Chicana born in the barrios of El Paso, Texas. Her parents were born in Mexico and brought their medicine with them out of Mexico — medicine passed down through time. Her family’s health care included Curanderismo as well as Western medicine. Continue reading “The balance between humans and nature”