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Augsburg Sets the Trend in Disability Services for Students

dis_awareOctober is the month devoted to educating the public about learning and physical disabilities.  Augsburg’s Center for Learning and Adaptive Student Services (CLASS) serves as the primary service provider on campus for individuals with disabilities, with programs and accommodations for students with learning, attentional, psychiatric or other cognitive disabilities.

The CLASS office is one of a select few college services that offers disability services at no additional cost beyond regular tuition. CLASS’s goal is to assist academically qualified students with disabilities reach their individual potential and access the Augsburg College experience on campus. Continue reading “Augsburg Sets the Trend in Disability Services for Students”

October Is Disability Awareness Month

dis_awareCongress has designated each October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and in recognition of that, the CLASS Office and Access Center are offering

opportunities for faculty and staff to learn more about issues related to disability services.

Since 1971, Augsburg has been committed to ensuring that our campus and curriculum are accessible to students with differing abilities, and as a result, there are about 400 currently enrolled Augsburg students who have contacted CLASS or Access about services for a disability. Continue reading “October Is Disability Awareness Month”