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From the South Pole to Augsburg

jansen_vocatioNovember and December in Minnesota bring with them cold, short days. However, they are tropical in comparison to the days at the Amundsen-Scott South

Pole Station in Antarctica. Katy Jensen, who now lives in St. Paul, was the Station Manager there from 1992 – 2002. She will be sharing her polar experience on Dec. 5 at 10:20 a.m. in the Hoversten Chapel as part of Augsburg’s Vocatio Series.

Jensen earned her degree from Colorado College and later joined the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Commissioned Officer’s Corps. After serving 2 years aboard research vessels conducting oceanographic mapping and surveying missions, she was assigned to the U.S. Antarctic Program. That turned into a 10-year-long adventure of days with endless sun and others of perpetual night. Continue reading “From the South Pole to Augsburg”