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City water line leak disrupts water service January 13, 2018, to Christensen Center

Update: Water service was restored to Christensen Center before 6 p.m. Saturday, January 13.

Earlier post:

A leak in the city water line that feeds Christensen Center was discovered around 10 p.m. Friday, January 12. Augsburg Facilities crew worked with the City of Minneapolis Water Department to shut the water off until the pipe can be repaired. As a result, there is no water service in Christensen. As of Saturday morning, January 13, we are still awaiting information about the timeline for repair, but there may not be water in Christensen for the weekend.

As a result, the following adjustments have been made to affected operations on January 13:

  • A’viands has made some menu and beverage modifications and adjusted its sanitation operations to ensure that students will continue to have quality foodservice in the Commons.
  • Nabo will be closed Saturday, January 13, so that A’viands can use that location for food preparation and dishwashing for the main dining facilities in Christensen Center.


Star Tribune reports on Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion construction kickoff

Minneapolis Star Tribune - logoThe Star Tribune recently covered the start of construction on the Norman and Evangeline Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion — Augsburg College’s much anticipated interdisciplinary academic building scheduled to open in January 2018. The article notes that the capital campaign for this building project was the most successful in the College’s history and so far has generated $54 million, which is eight times more than Augsburg has ever raised.

The story also acknowledges the generosity of the building’s lead donors, describing Norm Hagfor’s career success and the decades-long connection the Hagfors family developed with Augsburg.

Read Augsburg College starts construction on business-science-religion complex on the Star Tribune website.