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Using art to make a difference

finearts_keystoneWhat can fine arts majors learn about themselves and their disciplines by volunteering in the community? Come to the Fine Arts Keystone final presentation on Monday to find out.

This Fall, senior students in film, music, theatre, and studio arts worked with Centro, a multi-social service agency that serves the Chicano and Latino communities. Students volunteered in the food bank and worked with children in the Siembra preschool. They blogged about their experiences throughout the term and created art respective of their disciplines as a way to reflect on their engagement with Centro. The class will present a collaborative art piece on Monday, Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. in the lower level of Old Main. Continue reading “Using art to make a difference”

Fine Arts Keystone presents 'Crossing the Street'

finearts_keystoneThe Fine Arts Keystone integrates graduating seniors from the film, theatre, music, and visual arts programs to provide particular skill sets they will need as artists upon graduation from Augsburg. Because the Keystone examines vocation in this course, the Fine Arts students have utilized the concept of vocation by creating an art project working with and giving back to the community.

For six weeks the students have done research on the East Riverside neighborhood and created artwork that reflects their research. Initially students created flyers advertising a “neighborhood block meeting” and placed them in the four block radius between 6th Street and Riverside and 20th Avenue to Cedar. A meeting was held, students conducted interviews, attended an annual meeting, and created artwork based on their findings. Continue reading “Fine Arts Keystone presents 'Crossing the Street'”