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Information is not knowledge

pippert_convocationThe following is an excerpt from Sociology professor Tim Pippert’s opening convocation address to students, titled “Information is not knowledge.”

As a sociologist, I am fascinated by social change and lately I have been drawn to the transformations that are taking place in the areas of education and the use of technology.

Because I am interested in how society is adapting to the explosion of internet-based technology, I found this talk very easy to write. I asked myself, “Why not use the available technologies?” I simply Googled “opening college speech” and immediately had hundreds to work with. Continue reading “Information is not knowledge”

Augsburg featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education

chronicleWhen The Chronicle of Higher Education was looking for Minnesota institutions to visit for a story on the changing demographics of the state, Augsburg College was a natural choice.

Augsburg, after all, has a student body that has grown more and more diverse in recent years. This year’s first-year class in the Day College is made up of 42 percent students of color.

Below is the story that is on the front page of the current issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, the leading source of news and information for college and university faculty members and administrators. The publication has a total readership of 350,000 and its Website receives more than 12 million page views per month. Continue reading “Augsburg featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education”